Been lookin forward to gettin to Vietnam always wanted to go there since I watched the Films about the War there.
Stayed in the Aussie backpackers in the Old town for three days it was a dead nice place clean and the staff were really helpfull. They showed me where to get my face looked at as it was startin to go geeny yellow. Got some anti-biotics and cream an I was good as new in a few days.
Never seen so many motobikes in my life. I reakon there's more motobikes in Hanoi than there is in the whole world put together. The traffic is MAD, imagine 60 motobikes, 10 cars, 3 buses and 8 cyclists all tryin to get down one lane and none of them slowing down NUTS. Got a few motobike taxi's just for the danger and addrenelin rush it gives you (sorry mum haha).
I didnt really like Hanoi much to tell the truth. Bit too fast and hectic for me and was on my own most of the time so didnt really enjoy it. Lookin forward to gettin to Halong Bay an further south because its supposed to be alot nicer.
Seeya soon
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