Vanuatu ! Most people in the world do not know where it is and have never heard of it.
Vanuatu is a group of islands in the pacific. It has been colonised by the british and the french at the same time.
How did that work out? Just imaging the dispute of which side of the road they should drive. Apparently it did'nt and now they are independent. A country where the people were supressed during the colonisation and where the tribal people used to eat humans and where they still jump out of wooden towers 10 meters high just hanging by their feet, do not have so many human resources to rule their own country.
Therefore someone had to taken advantages of the situation.
They have now what I would call an economic colonasation from the Australians. The Austaliens have bought
huge parts of the country to construct massive resorts and constructed huge walls around them. So many coast lines are blocked
by walls.They have created all kinds of business and you can probably find anything here. Everything is hevily overpriced
and the locals have no chances off using the new business or the modern stores and supermarkets. Costs are as in Denmark and
the minimum wages here is 200 aud a month ( 1200 dkk ) Concider living from that in denmark ! So they live like they used to
do, and have done for centuries in huts made of leafs from banana trees, in small muddy villages were they do not need to
work.Here they can grow or just collect from the trees what they need and they can fish in the sea very easily in the "fish over
populated waters".Then they can spend the rest of the day drinking cava. They have some small road stores where they sell the
local fruit or greens and that supplies them with enough cash to buy sugar or other basic needs.
So the contrast is eminent especially in Port Vila, the capital where there is a lot of construction. Since the Aussies, and
the french are so busy remodelling the country it is very messy. It seems here that you can do more or less what ever you like
as long as you can afford it, and the Aussies can and do. Here anybody can own land, if you have enough money. A small parcel
in regular size 1500 m2 cost 1,5 M danish kroners and it is not sea side.
Vanuatu people are not colonised they just sold their country (maybe to the devil) probably nemesis for eating so many humans.
Because this is also Vanuatu , a country that is one of the latest to stop Cannibalism and other native cultural behaviour.
Therefore Vanuatu is amazing, it is so beautiful and the locals are smiling. It is like they just came out of the bush
this morning and many still do.
We rented a 4X4 car and began our tour of the main island. They have one road that has asphalt and they finished it in the
summer 2010. That road can take you around the hole island, and took us through fantastic nature sometimes straight through very dense jungle. We stopped at a waterfall and baded, we could walk up stream and chilled in different natural pools.
The water was nice and refreshing at a 25 c and it was nice to be cooled down from the regular 33c to 37c it is here night
and day.
We stopped at a restaurant by the road, the only one in a 80 km radius. We had a nice sashimi with the catch of the day.
We also heard the interesting life story of the woman that owns the place. A British woman born and raised in Mozambique,
worked and studied a few years in England and found peace in Vanuatu after living some time in Thailand. Amazing life.
We continued to the Beachcomber resort up north where we planned to stay overnight. This place was supposed to have many pools, some with hot spring waters. Well after finding it, the word "resort" can be used in many ways here. We got a room as the only guests there, and the hot spring pool had a nice temperature of 70c so it could be used for cooking . I was very afraid that the kids might fall in it.
Maybe it was just another excuse to cook some humans.:-)
We spent a hot night but had a wonderful moon just over the sea with this amazing view of mountain islands very close.
It was mystical and at that point it felt once more on this trip as we were at the end of the world.
On our way back we passed through many small villages, often we crossed groups of men walking on the asphalt road
in the middle of nowhere on their way out hunting with manchete, other times groups of women walking to the cemetery or just
kids bathing in every small creek they could find, but they were all smiling when they saw us and waving. We did not pass many
cars on the tour, all the tourists go to the massive resorts in town and do few excursions with charter firms. When we
had to overnight stopped at different resorts, and they were very surprised to see that we did not have a reservation. They
normally never have walk-in guests.
We went to the blue hole beach, one of the few local buisnesses.The beach was nice but what made iit special was that in the
middle of the shallow water there was a blue hole where the sand just went into a 4 meter deep and 6 meters wide hole. So we
could stand on the shallow waters with water to our knees and dive into to hole. What made this area even more fun was that
a small creek ran out in the beach there so we could bade in fresh water as well, or just get the salt water off before
sitting in the shaded beach to have our picnic.You can imaging the nice time the kids had playing in the creek , swimming
or just making sand castle.
Back in Port Villa we found a apartments by the sea wich had an outdoor gas grill. We spend the rest of the days in Vanuatu
enjoying our home cooked meals, we could find almost anything in the supermarket, but again at horrible prices.
One evening we went to a small island just in front of the resort to bade and found many huge starfish of all colors.We even
saw from the deck of the restaurant the striped sea snake again .
Another day we went on a local creek tour where this native man dress like they use to, told us about herbs medicine and
about the spirits. He showed us how he caches Coconut crab's , one of the biggest land crabs in world. He was amazing and he
really told everything with big enthusiasm.
The last evening we decided to go out and eat. We ended up in a old French restaurant , where we had Coconut crab and
flying foxes (big bat).
The crab had a lot of meat and was huge, but it was dry and had not as god a taste as regular water crabs. The bat tasted
like Shiit... the meat looked like beef but the taste was sour and it still smell bad , almost as much as when it was alive.
Vanuatu is still to me bizarre and mysterious. But to enjoy it you have to escape the Aussie hell ... and I am affraid that if
the Vanuatuan people do not stop the exploitation soon , then Vanuatu will just be in few years another Australian province.
Now we are in Argentina
- comments
Jan Yikes, Bat -meat? Nooooohh!!!!!!
jessica Vil gerne sige "you should try it" really shouldn´t.......