Varadero, Cuba Jul 5, 2006 visit the Ecological Reserve in VaraderoBeach time in the Ecological ReserveSpanish Classes
Cardenas, Cuba Jul 4, 2006 Work in Organic Garden in the Guasimas MissionVisit to Cardenas cityDinner in Cardenas. Program with the youth group in Cardenas City.
Varadero, Cuba Jul 3, 2006 Bicyclesactivity with Downs Syndrome group, Varadero City tourMission in Central Humberto Alvarez
Varadero, Cuba Jul 2, 2006 Breakfast, Worship ServiceLunch at church with the youth group. visit the house of the youth people.dinner + Spanish classes
Havana, Cuba Jun 30, 2006 Arrive in Havana Airport (have trouble with stuff we're bringing in)Travel from Havana to VeraderoAccommodation at the church. Dinner. Information Meeting