Hey all!!! Today we had to check out of the hotel....we left our bags in the store room and went to the pool!! We met a couple of nice people but unfortunately had to leave for Laos. It's great meeting people along the way as they can give you really good tips!! We got a name of a hotel in Vietnam that is run by a really helpful and nice lady!! To get to Laos We said we would take an over night bus up and save a bit of money on accommodation :-) We booked with one of the million tourist agents on khaosan rd. They got someone to meet us at the hotel at 16.30, we then followed this person to a mini bus which dropped us to BK bus station. It took about an hour with traffic etc but it was nice to see the wider area of the city and we met an older couple on the bus who had been travelling for years and years and had loads to tell us!! Once we got to the bus station we had to wait until 20.30 so we found a place on the floor against a pillar and just chilled an watched some shows on our tablet!! The photo ye can see in the background is of me & Trev slumming it in the bus station on the floor :-) We were pleasantly surprised when we got on the bus..,. The chairs reclined and we were at the front so we could practically lie out flat... Blanket and pillow provided so we couldn't ask for much more. We slept the majority of the trip. We had to get out at the border ( it's called friendship bridge) to get visas for Laos at 6 am and it was defiantly an experience.... They are quite strict!!! But we made it any way :-) Thank god!!!
Sara & Trev
- comments
mum Sounds like all went well and you even slept comfortably it seems!! Its great to meet ppl, any irish yet?? Love you Sar. Have fun and take care xxxxx
topsicle16 Yeah met an Irish guy on the border of Laos that's all really....I'm sure I'll meet a lot more along the way and I'll be sick of them haha!!! Love you too xxxx
Katherine Loving reading all this Sar x