My first trip started out by getting the train to Edinburgh from Cambridge,
The long nervous train ride took me into a wet downpour that is Edinburgh, I got through the crowds to find the correct exit into the right street that would direct me towards my hostel.
This was a new hostel that had opened the day before, entering the doorway I made my way up (while dragging a suitcase) a small, spiral staircase to the first floor.
I dressed for the rain and headed in search of the castle, the 'fringe' comedy festival was on, there were many street performers, speakers, tents, pop up bars.
I headed down the wrong street, with the castle Infront of me, high upon the hill, after missing the turning and walking too far, I had to turn back and head up hill, where I come from there is no hills, I had to hold onto the railing to pull myself up higher, I finally reached the too, flat land.
There was little visibility, the fog had thickened, the rain continued, I'd decided to get a ticket and go inside, I'd only have 2 hours because I arrived at 4 and they was closing at 6!
The castle itself was nice, it wasn't too crowed maybe because of the awful weather, looking over at the city was nice even through all the fog.
I head back toward m hostel, where I'd sat in kitchen with some of the other people staying in the hostels, we'd decided to go to a shop where we brought some booze, we sat in the kitchen playing drinking games, one of the guys that run the hostel was joining in these games, there was a bar downstairs where we all headed too.
We had a few drinks here, this was more of an 'old persons bar' we was the youngest here, after a while we all left here and walked around the city in search of another bar or club or something from the comedy festival, there was some cabarey shows but these didn't start until midnight, we found a few bars to pass the time, at midnight we got some seats to watch the show.
The man started off by hammering a nail into his nose, I wanted to leave already. There was a few 'sick' magic tricks, and some fun ones too, there was a singer (dirty of course), and someone doing berlesce.
Around 1am the show finished, we headed in search of more bars, some was now closing around the 3am mark, so we headed back to the hostel, everyone headed straight for bed, I'd stayed up in the kitchen until I was about to head for my room, when one of the girls and two new boys wanted to go back out.
We found a bar with music, that closed at 5am, by this point i was ready for bed, I also had to check out of my hostel at 10am! I'd crawl into my bed soon hoping not I wake up hungover and to get a good few hours sleep.
I woke up at 7, luckily not much of a hangover here, Is left my bags in the hostel and headed up hill to 'Arthur's seat' after walking around the city in the warmth this time, we headed back to the hostel to get my suitcase, back to town to find the airport bus, and onwards I go.
I do not like flying, this entire trip I have tried to avoid planes, sitting waiting for my gate to come onto the screen I am thinking how I should back out, not get onto the plane.
The gate came up, and I headed towards to board, I'd got the window seat, the worst seat to have, the rain started to come down, all I could think how was, how some poor stranger is going to have me next to them crying and panicking no doubt, looking out the window it was foggy, I could tell this was going to be a bumpy ride.
I'd put my hood up hoping to fall asleep, taking off I'm holding on for my life, as the seat belt signs get turned off, I put the window down, they are telling us we are 1 hour 30 away, maybe this won't be too bad.
I'd fallen asleep, slept the entire way, going down now and the rain is worse here then when I left, it's so bumpy I have to hold myself in place, I can't see the ground I'm preparing myself how the thud when we hit the ground.
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