Vietnam looks wicked mate, except that journey in the minibus! I like the photos and your spot the mong game...sorry mate ;-) Hope you're coping alright with all the strange food, you never know Tom you might even come back cultured! Take care of yourselves and I hope you both enjoy your next journey a bit more than your last. Oh, by the way, the race went well, it was all we could have hoped for at that point. I raced again last weekend in Peterborough and beat, amongst others Christ's College so we were all pleased with that.
Sandra B
Hi Tom, it was good to speak to you this morning. Just viewed your photo additions, pleased to see you`re adding to your collection of hats!!!. Trekking looks excellent. Speak to you soon.xx
Mr Ginna
alright mate? your site is coming along nicely now! me and funtime go to ireland a week today (sunday), looking forward to it! keep up the good work and have fun.
Pete (Rich's Bro)
Nice site mate keep up the good work, good to see you two are enjoying yourselves. I can see from the photos that you are certainly gathering a fine collection of headwear.
hiya hun. hope ur enjoying the tribes town. sounds like fun. take lots pics, want to know what a vietnamese tribesman looks like-didnt even know they existed! prob look like u at end of ur trip! am keeping my promise-def bringing scissors wi me, no way im walkin round wi u n rich wi longer hair than me! had my injections today for malaysia, hav got a dead arm, not sure supposed to do that! handed in my essay aswell-wuhoo! can finally sleep! will send u e-mail later bout wot time to ring sun. luv u. bye xxx
Rach S
Hey Tom!!! Jess told me about your site and I must say its proving a welcome break from uni work! It sounds like you're having an amazing time-I'm very jealous- Hong Kong looks far more glamorous than Leeds city centre! Well I'm going to continue reading your journal and using you as a guinea pig for if/when I go travelling!
Take care and keep taking the photos! Rach xxx
Julie And Wayne
Hi Tom, look like you are having a geat time, loved the pictures of the riverboat cruise, to actually be there must have been pretty amazing. among all those mountains. Wayne loves his fishing but not sure if even wayne would risk it on those rickety looking boats. looking forward to more photo's, . speak again soon, take care julie and wayne xx
heya hun, bus journey sounds like bit of a disaster,bt-hey arent they always! least u made sum friends! hopefully going to c memories of a geisha tonight-shud b gud. ur pics of moon hill r fantastic-def robbing them 4 my work! lucky u getting to celebrate new yr again- shud b a bit more fun 4 u than the 1 u jst had! enjoy yourselves. speak soon. luv u xx
Dan Tyson
Tommy boy u legend. Looks like you're both havin a smashin' time. Those chinese actually look a little smaller than ya!! ha ha. have loads of fun pal, and say hi to richie for me.
oops sent a blank msg! silly me!not big fan of comps-v confusing! anyway,hope u get to vietnam ok. enjoyed speakin to u this morning, china sounds v interesting,bet ull be glad to get somewhere warmer tho & wash ur stinky clothes! cant wait 2c ur new pics wen u get to vietnam. will send u e-mail later, let u no wots bin going on in normal life-ull neva want to come bak! luv u, speak soon xx
hey tom,
the pics are well good!!hong kong looks great. can imagine its a bit weird in the places where noone speaks english tho. birmingham is same as always except now i get to count pollen for three hours every week!!dylan looked very sad when i went home, but hes probably gona cheer up when mum and dad get the heating fixed, poor dog bet he's freezing!!have fun and take lots of photos
lv jess x
Sandra B
Hi Tom, China looks and sounds great apart from the food.Cant quite decide which is worse chicken feet or McDonalds (probably a processed version of the former)!!!.Hopefully you had some veggies on the pizza?. Say hi to Rich for us. Hope you are both well and having fun. We are all enjoying the photos, I think most of family and friends are now visiting your journal.
See you, love Mum xx