Getting very good with the camera, some of the animal shots worthy of "Planet Earth" Looking forward to lots of shots of Palm trees and tropical shores LUCKY SOD!! XXXXXXX
Pete Boyce
Thomas...It's good fun this travelling lark. I see your still in LA. Make sure you give some boobies a squeeze in Hooters on Hollywood Boulevard - do yur best to avoiding the (almost certain) slap that follows. I'll be seeing you in Sydney.
Have fun buddy...
Hi Tom,
Hope your enjoying LA life!! Everything going on as normal back here, work and p*ssing down with rain, so boring as hell!!! Sophie is sending me your pics from Facebook as I can't access the site from work, love you billions be safe Mumxxxxxxxxxxxx
Minxus Maximus
Tommy, i know you havent gone yet and im seeing you in like a couple of hours but i just wanted to say how much im going to miss you!
Have the most amazing time ever, see everything you wanted to see and visit everywhere you wanted to visit! Have the time of your life, have fun and be safe
Love always Minxus Maximus xxx
Tommy, have to write to you as I won't see you and it has literally just hit me that I won't see you now for like.....almost two years! AGGHHH! But I have to say it (as cliched as it sounds) I am so so proud of you and I admire you for doing this and planning it very well. You have made me look at doing things differently and I am grateful to you for opening my eyes even though I very much doubt you knew you were doing it!
Anyway.....have an amazing time! I am sure you will love every moment of it. And when you aren't loving it so much, just remember that we are here loving you and will always be happy to hear from you!
I miss you already and will see you soon when I am a rich therapist and you will have to come to me to get over your nightmares of the spiders that are attacking your brain.
Love you much x x x x x
Hi Tom not long now mate its gonna be a experience of a life time? something my Dad told me i should have done? many times i regret i didn't. We will all miss you mate especially the coughing up in the mornings and you eating my dinner's ive left at night to take in to work the next day, no joking aside i wish you all the best and know you will have a excellent time good luck mate Smudge!!!!
So the journey begins (sounds like the beginning of one of your essays!!) Not long now, am so envious, you've worked hard and organised this so well am very proud of you xxxLove you billions xxxx