im reli confusd about where u r now exactly bt then im always confuddled bout something!hope ur havin lotsa fun tho and make sure u put some pictures up-anything that doesnt look like leeds would b amazing right now!hav a brill time hun
jen xxxxx
King Pinch!
YO HO! hows dirty boy doing away from home?! im finding this long distance relationship hard tommy...ive met someone else. im sorry.
btw, i reckon ur going around various clubs with a marker pen asking for women to, u know? *wink wink*lol anywho, hope ur enjoying urself...missing u u big lumox!lolzzzz
hiya!! good to hear from u, u sound like ur enjoying it already. hope ya dont get too pissed on all the cheap beer and forget to go to the next country lol. wheres all ur photos?? i expected tonnes by now! lol :p
kt x
Hi Tom! Hope all's well, that the sun is shining and that you're behaving yourself!!! Keep your messages coming to keep us all up to date on your travels - have fun!!
Hey mr matthew. i'm liking the fact your in prague but havn't left. hope it good and will check back later or speak on facebook.