Day 11
Hello Tom here again. This update has been a long time in the making so I´ll try make it a good one. Started the day in Cusco following a meeting with our Lares Trek leader "Freddy". A brief note on Freddy - he is probably the hardest and coolest man on the planet. We were warned of freezing temperatures and were advised to get warmer clothes to avoid losing limbs. Naturally being a man I took this too far and the next day I bought myself a ´genuine´ north face coat/bouncy castle and took to wearing it all afternoon along with my new pair of ´genuine´ray bans. (I should note though that Ray Ban are lacking quality these days as the brand logo has already worn off.) I digress. We hopped on a bus and began our long meandering journey to Machu Pichu with a stop off at a place called Ollyafpisdjfaiptambo. No one knows how to spell it so that will have to do. There were few things to see, the highlight being some ruins located on one of the nearby mountains dating back to Inca times. However, they were expensive so we opted for the alternative less travelled ruins on the opposite mountain. Mountains are deceptively tall and it took quite a while to get there but the views were spectacular at the top and it was worth the visit. Naturally being a man I wanted to climb higher than we were and I made it to the highest ruins where the views were pretty much the same but everything was a bit smaller. I then posed for a photograph from the top, immediately got vertigo and scared myself.
This, sadly is all there is to say about Ollyatantambo it was merely the Community Shield to the Premier League as the next few days we´d be doing the Lares Trek.
One small note we did see a monkey on a dogs back which was sweeeeeeeeeet.
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