Hello! I think the last blog we were about to go to Bangkok. We weren't gonna spend too long in Bangkok, but ended up staying 4 was a lotta fun, random, but lotsa fun! The journey from Siam Reap, Cambodia to Bangkok was awful!! we knew the road was supposed to be awful, but i wasn't expecting it to be that bad!! It took us 10 hours to get to Bangkok, i was by the window in a cramped minibus so my face got covered with dust, ew!! It was amazing how the scenery changed once we'd passed the border, it was so green and lush. We stayed near Ko San Road, in a cute hotel that had a family of cats staying there, mum, dad and two kitties!! my favourite was Samuel, he was a beautiful kitten!! On our first night we went down Ko San Road, it's crazyyyyy, lotsa sounds and lights, and lotsa cool clothes stalls....bought way too much stuff, oops! We had a drink in this stall place that did cocktails for cheap, and whilst we were under the canopy it poured it down with rain...soooo much that the whole street became like a river!! it was crazy!! we just drunk cocktails with an Engligh couple....a cockroach crawled over my foot, ewwww!! in the end we hadda wade back up to our hotel, but it was lotsa fun!! On our second day it was super crazy!! We got a water taxi and then a sky train to the Siam Square which is like shopping central!! the first mall we went in was designer central...sooo espensive!! they had an imax there and the bottom floor was full of different food stalls, twas amazing!! we then went to Thai teenagers favourite mall, got the best bag ever!! it was lotsa fun!! then we went back to the IMAX and saw Indiana was a swish cinema!! and only cost 3 pounds to see the movie!! The gap between the rich and the por here is huuge though, and all the girls and boys are kinda image obsessed, i went in the loo and all the girls are crowded round the mirrors doing their hair and makeup! meep! Our third day was super random!! We went to see the largest reclining budha, which was stunning! it was a fate day as we tried to see the Palace, but it was shut, but a man who worked there was really sweet and suggested we go see the other budhas and said dont pay more than 40 baht in a tuk tuk, he taught us how to ask how much in Thai, so we hailed a tuk-tuk and asked how much in Thai and he said 40 baht, then the man came over and asked how much we got it for and when we told him, he shook our hands =D. so we went on the tour, i got to free some birdies from a cage. then we met another lovely man who spoke very fast but was very fatherly to us and constantly stressed the importance of us going to the TAT for our travels to the islands. So our tuk-tuk driver said he's takeus there!When we got there we met a crazy but enthusiastic lady who spoke great english and ended up giving us an itinarary for the next 3 weeks!! it was a good deal with accommodation, brekkie and transport all the way through to the butterworth border to malaysia!! we also met a nice Burmese girl, it seems a lot of burmese people come to work in thailand, dont get to see their families for years and send their money home. it's sad. Oh the crazy thai lady was called Candy...her sirname is pornchai!! lol!! deary me. On our last day we had the day free as we were gettin a bus that night. We saw the Palace, which was amazing!! we played with the kittens before getting picked up a6 6pm to go to Krabi!
We had a 14 hour bus journey to Krabi....but it actually flew by!! we drunk beer to knock ourselves out =D. At Krabi bus station there was the cutest puppy ever ever. tiny white fluffy thing aww!! we stayed at a really cute place in Krabi, and the beach was really nice too. It was at this fateful beach that i got abused by a manowar jellyfish!! it hurt sooooo much!! it got all my thigh and hip, and a tentacle round my ankle!! i went back to hotel to put vinegar on it, it was super swollen, and i started feeling really sick and dizzy, so went to doctors but it was shut so hadda go to hospital. luckily it was just an allergic reaction and not evil poison. phew!! we made friends with a couple from malaysia, KL and also a cuple from Singapore, they said we can call them when we're there for a tour...we may do if we have time!! we went on a boat trip a couple days later, and Tom got attacked by a sea urchin!! it was horrible he had black spikes in his foot, and a japanese boy peed on it!! if anyone loves Lost remember when Hurley is shouting at Jin to pee on his foot?! well it was kinda like that!! luckily the spines will dissolve and Toms foot is much better!! That night we went to the 'red light district' lol, well it was lotsa neon bars with thai girls trying to get you into their bar. i guess it's horrible cause pervy men go there, but we got pulled in and just played pool with a couple of girls,. it was really fun!! It was then that night that my food poisoning was horrible =(. I had to stay in bed all the last day, and making the journey to Phi Phi Island was horrible, even though i love boat rides!!
Phi Phi Island: is nice but has been consumed by tourism, it was my least favourite place so far. i suppose it would have been better if i had been well, but i was stuuck in the room for days. I managed to venture out for a couple of hours, there was a nice part of the beach. It was kinda a party town, people stayed up late alot, which woulda been fun if i hadnt been so ill....i got to go to the hospital again woo, where they prescribed me a bunch of pills and antibiotics, which did help a little. On our last day there Tom really wanted to go see where they filmed the Beach, and i decided i would try to do at least something that week!! so we rented our own boat with a fun driver and the boat ride was so much fun as the waves were huge!! our bums hurt alot after it!! the beach was beautiful, it looked just like the filn (minus the extra rock they CGIed in). We then went through the jungley interior through some rock caves and out to a gorgeous cove where we snorkelled for was a great day! Oh yeah!! another annoyance was that our hotel was built over wetlands, and there were loadsa frogs....2 were funny, one type made fart noises, one mooed like a cow...but then there was the evil wood scraping sound ones that were sooooo loud and kept us up all night!! argh. so illness + lack of sleep =agh!! We then got a boat to Koh Samui.
Ko Samui: i actually manged to eat a bit of breakfast today, after a week of eating pretty much nothing, eww! Ko Samui is awesome!! we are lucky as we are staying at a resort on a little cove, so we have our own beach pretty much, and we are located between the two main busiest beach places!! theres lodsa cool rocks to climb! It is so amazingly hot here, the sea is so warm too!! all you can do really is float around in the sea...but hey thats no biggie ;) hehe! last night i got to hold a gibbon, it was really cute!! we played pool with some thai girls again, they were too good at pool though we lost every time, lol!! there was a macdonalds there!! so weird. got fries though, yummy!! okay well i've written alot now!! so i will be off!! in a couple days we go to Ko phangan for 6 nights before leaving for Malaysia yupyup!! Thanks for reading, i hope everyone is well and good back home...i miss seriously strong chedar sooo much...and quorn pitta breads hungry!! bye bye xxxxxxx
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