Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road were fantastic! Melbourne is a great city - full of nice shops and restaurants (too much temptation for backpackers!!). We stayed with Sophie's aunt (thanks Bev and Ross) who were fantastic hosts! It was a very short stay, but Melbourne would be a great place to live! From there we hired a car to drive the famous Great Ocean Road - a spectacular drive along the coast from Melbourne towards Adelaide. We stopped on the way in nice little seaside towns for fish and chips and because it's not summer here, we had huge beaches all to ourselves. It was a little cold to swim (about 18 degrees) but easily nice enough to go for walks and take in the scenery.
On 16th we stopped in lovely little town called Port Fairy and stayed in a great little B&B with an amazing restaurant - a really nice way to spend our first wedding anniversary (thanks to everyone who posted messages, and sent us texts and emails!). The next day we drove up through some wineries on our way to Adelaide. Dan was the nominated driver so I got to do the tasting - no complaints there! We didn't actually make it to Adelaide in time to see anything other than the hostel and the airport the next morning. Next stop Sydney!!
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