The final leg of our travels.
The arrival of the Todd Tribe.As usual we will get you up to speed with the goings n in Todd/Fletchers travel and where better to start with the arrival of the Todd tribe. We couldn't see them arrive into Sydney airport without making the largest welcome sign..and when we say largest wait till you see the photos. Its a good job they were so tired as i think they'd have been even more embarrassed being alert.
Upon checking out the rather well spaced apartment in Coogee that mum and dad had booked we decided there was a huge need to take them back to Dulwich Hill hostel and plead the need to not stay the 2 last days. Needless to say we didn't need to plead and the bags were in the car within the first hour of arrival. Phew..bye bye Dulwich Hill. Although looking at dad's face i think he thought we were living in a prison of some kind so was quite happy to sign the papers for release. After a general sit-down of who wants to do what we had a plan, sealed with a few beers as a sign of approval.
The very famous Coogee to Bondi walk was first on the agenda, and as pleasant as it was the sun burnt that followed left a lot to be desired. Lesson no1 for the Todd's. A pleasant trip back to Picton to see Edwin and June again proved a second chance for dinner at the bowling club-fantastic. Having said that dad was a little disappointed at only being shown the home brew pub at the end of the orientation. With a fixed Stanley on the road this meant we could take the rather winding road down to Wollongong beach and introduce the willing Todd's to the body boards. Wollongong was an amazing beach we were slightly disappointed we hadn't ventured down before. Still made the most of it, seeing dad make a spectacular dive for the frisbee (flat on yer arse eh dad?) was most enjoyable. And mum in a bikini...looking good.Rach got to experience a day in the life of a backpacker as mum and dad went to Paramatta for the day. Rach got to watch us go to the DVLA and finally transfer Stanley into our names. Still we ended the afternoon on Coogee beach so whose complaining-oh how we'll miss living by the sea.
The arrival of the kiwi was to follow the next day..and Jed you sure know how to arrive in style. For some bizarre reason after missing the airport transfer you decide to catch a bus to Coogee but manage to get off a fair while before and hike to us. By the time we realised you were running late, had located you and told you to stay put-you really weren't that difficult to spot-bare backed (having lost your favorite T-shirt) and rather hot. What an entrance lol. Still the day proved interesting after a trip from Circular Quay to Darling harbour saw mum, Rach me and Nathan visit the 3D Imax theatre (it wasn't that good) and dad and Jed hit the James Squire pub. By the time everyone was at the james Squire including a welsh guy Damien we were all a little tipsy. Mum (bless you) had the job of taking dad and Jed back to the Coogee, while the rest of us hit it hard in Sydney..well we went to scruffy Murphy's anyway and a very god night was had. A picture of Rach sat on the steps holding on to a pole the whole way home will stay with me forever.And as for the stories the next morning...Jed, asleep on the bus, running up and down Coogee bay road rather drunk-a definite funny first day.
The next day hurrah it was my birthday...hitting the grand old age of 26 it was a rather quiet day. A trip to watson's bay on the ferry, a laze on the beach and swim in the calm waters, followed by the highlight, on a walk around the bay we passed Lady beach- a popular nudist beach that wasn't empty! Still the disappointing takeaway Doyle's saw us very grateful we hadn't paid full price at the restaurant. As the rain set in it was time to retire and make way for the real Lindsay style birthday. As planned the Aussies, the Welsh and the Poms met up at the Coogee Bay Hotel at 7pm. By midnight i was home. Having drank 7/8 pints of Guinness (it was St Paddy's day and i was trying to get a T-shirt for everyone), and a final shot bought by Lisa and produced by Andrew (neither wants to take responsibility) i really was looking worse for wear. I think waking up to the sick bucket in the morning proved what a good night it was. Thanks for all the cards from back home, especially those with a few spends...the Guinness was lovely! And as for the marmite Sam-oh how i've missed marmite.
Now who can say they've celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Harbour Bridge by walking over it with a fair few thousand people sporting a bright green hat? Nope i didn't think so... Well that was the next days organised adventure, and with a hangover also. Still i think we all enjoyed it and made history by being there. Dinner at the Lowenbrau was just delicious. Then after insisting rachel renamed the Todd tribe sign for the arrival of the latest addition off we went to airport arrivals. Aware of how jet lag works we had a lazy day on Bondi beach. Dad made it into the waves (mum was a pro by this point) and needless to say you did pretty well also dad. The beach cricket set we bought proved fun but short lived. The tennis ball was not of a hard nature so kept splitting and after andrew caught rachel out on her first bat the sight of her running after him with the cricket bat, steam out of her ears saw the end of the game. As was frisbee short lived when it landed on a sun-baking guys stomach and mum had t collect it-whoops! The evening saw me, Nath and dad at the Aussie Stadium for the NRL game Sydney Roosters Vs South Sydney. Not having a team to support was a little strange but the atmosphere was still great, needless to say we didn't arrive back from the Observer in the rocks till 2am.
Once the drama of getting everyone to Glenbrook NP had been sorted we set in for a day/overnight camp. The initial set up went to plan, and once everyone had adapted to the heat as much as possible we began to enjoy camping. We promised kangaroos at the NP and thank goodness they didn't disappoint-out in full force and ready to amuse. Another game of cricket-but with no one around the chance to hit far proved fatal as the heat was too intense to keep running so again-short-lived. Determined to make tea for everyone ( all 7 in total) i think i did a half decent job seen as the weather took a turn and decided to down pour. This meant 7 people huddled under the tarp, with 2 chairs and 1 very small picnic rug to sit on-can you imagine Tony?! Still no-one complained and seen as dark had set in everyone had getting to bed on their minds as somehow they didn't take to the surroundings. This wasn't helped by Nathan throwing sticks in the dark on a return trip form a bush toilet experience, followed by rachel having a rather deadly looking spider crawl across her was time to hide in the tents. having given up the car for mum and dad, me and Nath were in a borrowed tent-which had leaked! we spent the whole night huddled on a blanket with little shelter-needless to say the colds followed. Next morning we awoke to hundreds of tour busses fully stocked with tourists surrounding our camp-it appeared we'd set up camp in the picnic area by mistake. Having pictures taken of us instead of the camera just showed what a real good looking tribe we were...either that or the smell of our bacon was drawing them too close for comfort.An afternoon and evening of nature was enough for the Todd's so it wasn't long till we were packed up and heading back to the city for a shower. A memory of the bush toilet from the previous night swings into my mind-all i will say i was in a predicament with no spade this time! As everyone did their own things mum, me and Nath finalised a car for the upcoming east Coast road trip and we realise how quick time is passing. Still it appears i got another chance to show off my cooking skills with some famous aussie rissoles. sorry you missed out dad and rach. Mum were'nt they just delicious haha.
All recovered we set sail on the ferry to Manly. Finally Nath got a didgeridoo...he promises to learn how to play it and you are all invited round for the final performance. And i hope you aren't laughing rachel as i believe Andrew is doing exactly the same! It turned out the guy we bought the didgeridoo from was actually from the Aboriginal community near Mossman gorge where we very first started all those months ago. Another beach day was followed by dinner at The Belgium Beer Cafe, mussels in a pot and continental beer-you can't go wrong. While the tribe set of to Toronga Zoo it was time for me and Nath to start hunting for the next place to live. With jobs secured at the Royal Sydney Easter show we hoped it would be a simple task finding accommodation close by. It wasn't! In fact accommodation was non-existent as it appears everyone has put their prices up. It may be time to re organise a few final plans? But with little time to work out the comings and goings it was time for the Todd girls to head to the Lyric Theatre to watch the musical Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Absolutely fantastic.
The cold that i mentioned early had started to set in, Nath had been ill all yesterday and was resting this particular day with it, so next morning it seemed sensible that i rest up and meet the tribe at the O'Brien's for the arranged aussie BBQ later off. off Nathan took them for the real Blue Mountains Tour, and as planned we all met up at the O'Brien's. I think we will all agree it was great food, great beer, and great company. It was nice for everyone to finally meet up and put faces to names etc. A huge thanks to the O'Brien's for putting us all up overnight. And it seems in 2008 it'll be our turn to return the favour. See you then.
As we headed back to Coogee to say goodbye to Jed we realise how quick time can actually fly. After the goodbye hugs (and im sure we'll see you again very soon Jed) it was time for me and Nath to head to our next NRL game. this time it was at Homebush Telstra Stadium. the South's v Paramatta Eels. Deciding to support the South's on a couple of grounds, one being it was the 2nd time we'd seen them play and the 2nd being that we were living in South's territory proved a good choice seen as they won again. We celebrated back in the Coogee bay hotel with everyone else after a rather long train journey back.
Monday 26th March saw the beginning of our road trip up the east Coast. Nathan arrived back first thing with the Kia people carrier. Absolutely no faults at all, very roomy and great to drive. Oh hang on-perhaps i have just one, i appeared to be a bit of a short arse as i couldn't reach the pedal very well-who do i blame for that dad? After the initial hour it took us to get out of sydney (welcome to stressful Nathan and Lindsay in situations like this!) we returned to normal status at the sighting of signs for our first destination-Newcastle. the scenery changed quite dramatically and it was nice having other people to share it with. Newcastle was quite cold, the waves looking pretty angry and red flags up on the beach. But it didn't stop us finding the local Brewery, famous for its alcoholic ginger beer, and having lunch there. This will hopefully stop rachel asking for food for a while we thought...i think you lasted an hour once we' set off again rach lol. leaving the fishing town we made it to Port Macquarie by early afternoon. The weather was pretty nice and the town itself proved very friendly. An afternoon beer and quick look around and back in the car for the final destination. It was only the first day and i think already the todd tribe were realising about the distances to get anywhere in Australia. Andrew looked horrified when we told him we were only half way to Byron bay. With daylight savings in progress it meant although still on 6pm it was pitch black by the time we arrived at Coffs harbour. Luckily we found a Formula1 motel at a very good price of $59 for a double including en-suite. A quick shower, a bite to eat and early to bed, everyone was shattered.
Up early the next day to explore Coffs harbour and onto the famous 'Big Banana' which is just a giant 'Big Banana'. Still we managed to pass just over an hour looking at it. No i'm joking, we looked at it, looked at all the available scenarios of 'big banana' souvenirs available, ate a chocolate dipped banana, and went on a banana shaped toboggan ride. Ok it wasn't banana shaped but it should have been. And for the record i thought the Luge in NZ was much safer-tobogganing was not for me. Making good time we called in at Ballina for a picture of the 'Big Prawn', but soon moved on as Ballina didn't have much to offer. Back on familiar territory me and Nath felt right at home knowing Byron bay is just around the corner. As we arrived into Byron bay it was a little disappointing as rain had set in. Still dad, me and Nath pushed on in the search for accommodation. With no option as cheap as the previous night it appears we all liked the option of a bit of luxury. We stayed at the Outrigger resort containing a heated outdoor pool and spa. The 3 bed apartment was very swish. Making the most of the free BBQ facilities the boys set to their duties, while the girls watched Home and Away. Alright we prepared the salads and set the table as well-the BBQ was fantastic. Before heading to bed again Rach me and Andrew insisted on making full use of all the facilities so in the rain we went in the pool for as long as we could stand it, then warmed up in the spa-great.By the next morning the sun had arrived. We drove up to the lighthouse and wasn't disappointed. Byron bay really is picture perfect-paradise. I think everyone was amazed by how beautiful it was. Getting carried away with the moment i thought i spotted a group of dolphins in the waters down below. I shouted to rachel to look, and at the same time so did a separate group of tourist who seemed just as excited. It was till i was at a different angle i realised they were just birds floating on the water...oops. I avoided the still believing they were dolphins tourists as i didn't want to disappoint them further. An afternoon spent on the beach and with the body boards in the waves was lots of fun. In fact the funniest moment (it wasn't at the time) of our travels came from this day. Nath decided we were now brave enough to play with the 6 foot waves. After me protesting that i wasn't going any closer and Nathan promising to not let go of my hand i ventured in. There's nothing quite like the feeling of watching a 6 foot wave about to crash on your head and the excitement of coming out of it alive. Unfortunately Nath's hand got ripped from mine and as i was struggling to stop being thrown all over the place under the water , hold my breath, find the surface and generally not die, Nath finally grabs what he thinks is my arm, but is my leg and tries to pull me up out of the water feet first! Needless to say i got out of the water as quick as possible. Dad attempted to stay stood up-i'm not sure you succeeded though and mum thought better of it. Still lots of fun.
Dinner at the railway pub and it was time to set off back to Sydney. Doing the overnight drive back wasn't so bad as me and nathan swapped regularly. Besides well needed wee stops, we only stopped once at Nambucca Heads for fish n chips tea. It was 2am when we dropped rach and Andrew in Bondi and headed back to Coogee. For some reason i was wide awake so ended up doing a load of washing in the early hours, and poor Nath had to take the car back for 7am, needless to say the final full day of the Todd Tribe was a tiresome one. Up until this point we were doing so well but the inevitable was just around the corner and as suspected the todd tribe had a falling out. With lots of expectations on what to do for the last day nothing was really finalised so the day itself was not as predicted. Still rach (along with Andrew) completed the Bridge Climb, although the look on her face as we waved from the Harbour Bridge pub said she would never do it again. We ate a really nice evening meal back at the Belgium Beer Cafe which proved again to have good food, then all ended up going separate ways preparing ourselves for tomorrows departure.
The morning at Bondi Junction proved successful for me and dad. Dad found the Topsy and Tim book he'd been looking for, and i found an English Yorkie Bar-nothing could spoil my dad, and i was proved right when after goodbyes at the airport dad handed over a purse full of gold coins-i couldn't have been happier-first stop-lets fuel up Stanley. Ah we haven't told you have we, with no luck finding accommodation for the Easter Show we are heading to Ayers Rock-our final road trip. And when do we go. The day after tomorrow. Needless to say having the Todd tribe with us was great fun. Andrew-you seem a decent guy, good luck with living with rachel and we are looking forward to a few nights out with the both of you. Overall it was a great 3 weeks, filled with lots of stories that im sure we'll have different memories of which was our favourite one to tell.And this is where we'll leave you for now. The next journal is being written next and will follow immediately so best to boil those kettles and free up your afternoon. We hope all is well with everyone. Love as always, Lindsay and Nathan.
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