Ni hao (Hello) well I have just arrived at my hostel well I a arrived a while back (its 3 am on English time so I have been up for a day already I never got to see Wednesday night) and some how im now half of my way through my first day in Hong Kong that would mean it is lunch time. This place I quite different all the cars are really clean and there are huuuuge hills that just appear out of no where! I’m going to have a nap to tide my self through the day then think about finding dinner. ByeFound some dinner yesterday and found a whole lot more today! I have been doing a little shopping today, and the shops are all really small none of them are bigger than the small Tesco shops! But there are a million and one. I went into 1 building and though oooo there is another level so I went up on that level there was another level and so on, I went up 20 different flights of steps to get to the top. and what I didn’t know was that it had a basement too and that’s why when I got back right to the very bottom I could not find my way out! Till the next update stay safe!
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