mum just told me to tell you she is very very very jealous of you bein in the sun x x x
hey gaz and tish glad to hear your having a good time can't believe that you got that close to those animals that must have been well cool. well i'm very jealous your in the warm wether. it's horrible here. i hope your tans are coming along nicely. keep enjoying yourself. love rach x x x
Mum And Dad
We're glad to hear you're having such a fantastic time and that the food is not as bad as you feared. We look forward to your next blogs with eager anticipation. Take care of your selves and each other. Love Mum + Dad XXXX
Grandma & Grandad
Lovely to read about it. Sounds like you are having a grand time. Its good that we can keep in touch.
Grandma and Grandad
Sounds like ur havin a great time keep it up, Ive gotta tell hannah all the animals that u seen she will love it. Lots of love Asenath
Tony (Beef)
Sounds like your having a gr8 time. Its boiling hot here & been getting a tan at lunch times :-) or more likes its freezing cold and seems like monsoon season!
Take care
every1 from Bartletts
Grandma Dot
It's cold wet and windy here. Glad you are in the sunshine. Wish I was.
Love to you both.
Auntie Jane
Have a fantastic time.
My friend's 2 sons are at University at Bangkok so if you want to meet up with them - they know all the best places - then I could give them your blog address. Jonathan is 22 and is in his 3rd year and Ryan is 19 and went out in August.
Take care of yourselves.
Grandma & Grandad
Take care of yourselves, have a good time. We will be thinking of you.
Wishing you the very best of luck! Take care, enjoy yourselves and come back safely.
Good luck, have fun and come back in 1 piece Lots of Love ur lil cuz Asenath