Happy New Year to you both. Sounds like you are having a fantastic trip. Phil & I are very jealous! We have a new puppy here called Indi who is keeping us very busy!
Take Care
Bev & Phil xxx
Sounds like your having a lovely time. Just thought I would let u no that Trudi is expecting her 3rd baby on the 30th of April. Ruth spent Christmas with her mommy, who has been trying to find cures 4 her. Ragdoll(Jess) has grown roughtly 4 times bigger than when u last saw her, and is partial to the odd packet of butter when left in her reach. Have fun and take care of each other
Love from all the clan Getta & Asenathxx
We follow your blog. Its very good I have made it my home page! We are having a good Christmas Grandma and I have been out dancing with buffets almost every other day, we think about you a lot, have a good journey on your flight to NZ. Grandma & Grandad xxx
Greetings, hope you have had a lovely (yet very different) christmas day. Great to read what your up to love Uucle Kevin Auntie Dawn James and Sophie x x
well judging by the animal photos your still lost inside Paignton Zoo! Hope all ok and have a gr8 flight to NZ this week. No taking any cute babies with u as they frown on that! take care - Bartletts x
Mum And Dad
We loved the photos. It's a really nice one of you both at the Mara River. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and don't get sunburn...no chance of that here!!! Look after yourselves and each other. Love Mum + Dad xxxx
hey you two. it all sounds amazin. it just totally sounds like a different world. everything is getting very christmasy at home i bet your not feeling too christmasy. can't wait to see all your pictures. take care x x
Richard Philippe
Nice to know that your safe and well and away from these freezing temperature's that we are having in Wales,I take off on the 28th Feb going to new Zealand,Australia,Fiji,LA anf then home,hope to see you when you return next year.
Richard x
Sounds really exciting and a lot of fun.
Loved reading all the news.
Really jealous. Hope to hear the next adventure soon. Poured with rain today.
Luv Mum xx
Mum And Dad
How exciting to go on safari! It must have been fantastic to see all those animals close up. We look forward to hearing about your next adventures. Love, Mum and Dad
Uncle Andrew
Great to hear that you are enjoying the trip so far. It all sounds very interesting and rewarding. As I write this, it's nice and sunny here but it's still blooming cold outside!!!
Now Derby have a new manager, by the time you get back we will have survived and will be looking forward to the next trip to the Emirates.....
Take care both of you,
Auntie Dawn
Already sound like your having a great time with lots more adventures to come. Keep us posted ...even though it makes us all jealous! x x