On foot you see the most (on the picture The Three Sisters, picture taken from the Echo Point)
The first day in Sydney passed by fast. I headed to a tourist information center and got me a ticket for a tour bus. In 90 minutes I knew exactly where all the main attractions and important buldings and constructions are. After Chinese cities Sydney feels relatively small. It's nicely green and well maintained. You don't see houses falling apart, there's no trash on the streets, everything has its own place.
On Friday, thus yesterday, I had a tour on the famous Bondi beach. I had an access to another tour bus and headed to the surfers' beach early in the morning. Before ten o'clock the sea was full of surfers - some better some worse. The air felt chilly to me after China so I didn't change into bikinis, though there were people sun bathing. The sea was 18C so not very warm. Most surfers were wearing wetsuits which is an indicator to me if to take a swim or not.
I took a half long, nice walk to another beach that is situated in Randwick. On the cliffs of Bondi beach there had just opened an outdoor exhibition of sculptures. It's was a nice start for the walk even though quite crowded. It got more quiet the further I got. Beaches were many and there were quite a lot of mothers or nannies with kids playing on the beach. The sun was burning but the wind was chilly and especially in the shade it was cold. One of the most impressive things was a cemetery just by the sea, on the cliffs. The cemetery itself wasn't very impressive but must admit that the dead people have quite a nice view.
I don't know what Randwick actually is, if it's a suburb or town. But in any case it was cosy and small. Next to the beach you can find many small shops and restaurants. I also enjoyed one fresh juice on the beach, so tasty! The sea really looked magnificent, clear and bright water. But when the others were walking on T-shirts or bikinis I was wearing a jacket.
Before heading here to the Blue Mountains I still took my time to explore Rocks, and old part where convicts used to live in Sydney. Most of the houses and buildings were from the 17th and 18th century. I had two hours walk there though the area isn't even that big. I just happened to check every corner and every roof top.
What about Blue Mountains? Beautiful, the mind relaxes here. I asked some advice here at the hostel and I was told to take a bus to Blackheath. My bus driver was just great. He drove to 'wrong way' just to drop me off at the place where I needed to start my hike. (The same bus driver picked me up later in another place and didn't charge me the ticket price).
My hike was supposed to last 5 hours but it took me only 3 hours. The first part of it was down in a valley where there was some 'rainforest'. There I saw a parrot type of birds. The path wasn't too hard put you needed to check where to step sometimes. A few times I needed to cross a river just walking on huge rocks or on smaller stones. After walking down in the wet valley I climbed up some long steps and got up to a view point. There I could see the huge canyons opening in front of my eyes. And everything covered by eucalyptus. In Blue Mountains there are groving over 100 different eucalyptus species which is 13 % of all the know species. Impressive! And that's why the name Blue Mt - the mountains look blue on the day light.
I continued my walk to many more view points. There were not too many people on the paths and at one point I could sit alone for 30 minutes without nobody passing, I was having my snanck-lunch. The sun was very hot but again in the shadow it was cold. The spring is here cause I could really feel the sun burn my face.
I came back with the same bus driver, Russel. I got to know him when three older ladies hopped in. I think they all come from these small areas and know each other. They were first chit chatting and then gossiping. It was very funny to follow their converstions; the way they speak and what they talk about is so laid back, no worries at all.
As my first walk ended up being quite short I had still another one closer to the hostel. The main attraction here in Echo Point and the Three Sisters. Three Sisters are three cliffs that are a special geological prove of something I cannot remember anymore. The cliffs and mountains here are formed when the upper layers have collapsed and falled down, and that'll happen to Three Sisters too, eventually. (Or something like that).
From the Three Sisters you can go down to the valley taking the 900 steep steps. Well, I wanted some challenge and took another way down, had a small hike and climbed up the stairs. It took me 20 minutes but was worth it.
In the end of this day (it's 21.00) I smell horrible. The clothes in my backpack are all starting to stink the same. And as I have had a few hikes today I can smell myself the awful swetty sent that I have produced. I shall take shower soon...
Yep, as Gabriella is not here but in Laos I will meet her relatives. Tomorrow at noon I'll meet the brother Sebastian. We'll have lunch and figure out something nice to do for few hours. Later I'll catch a train and go to the parents'. I'll stay there for two nights and then it's already time to fly to Melbourne and meet Tiia. (Tiia is a high school friend who has an Australian boyfriend Ben, they've been living here already for two years - haven't seen Tiia since, exciting!!!). Greater plans for Melbourne I/we don't have yet. We had on mind to visit Great Barrier reef but we don't have trip there yet. We'll see if we get good last minute deal or make it do-it-yourself-trip.
p.s. I have tasted vegemite once in my life - hated it then. Maybe I should give it a new try...
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