meidan piti erikan kanssa menna aamukaheksaksi taijiin jota hong kongin turistitoimisto jarkkaa ilmaseks. mutta ulkona satoikin vetta joten tultiin datailemaan hetkeksi kun loydettiin 24/7 nettikahvila. hong kong on vahan kuin euroopassa olis kun on niin paljon turreja (=turisteja) ymparilla, "kylma" saa ja silleen. meian hotellihuone on pienin ikina, ette ikina uskois ! harmi kun tahan ei voi piirtaa pohjapiirrosta.. koko huone on noin pari neliota iso.. hahah. eilen kaytiin avenue of starsilla kattoo tahtia ja kasia maassa ja valoshow joka oli ihan surkee, vastarannan taloissa valkky valot. jeah. tanaan mennaa varmaan victoria peakille mika on must jos on hong kongissa. eika olla vielkaa kayty ktv:ssa...
nyt kello tulee jo 5 pm, kaytiin siel peakilla. nakyhan sielta kaupunki... on niin sumusta etta ei mitenkaan pitkalle mutta silleen. syotiin burger kingissa :D oliko vahan hyvaa. sinne mentiin sellasella ratikalla, oli vahan jyrkka ja jannittava matka :) ja otettiin kuva bruce leen kanssa kun siina on madame tussauds samassa mestassa. ja kelatkaa tata: meika osti HAMEEN !!! taal kiinas on vahan silleen et mitaan ei saa sovittaa joten en oo ihan sale et mahtuuko mutta jos ei ni suvi saa sen sitten. meilla nakyy huoneessa leffakanava, katottii eilen forgotten, oli ylihuono, ei kannata koskaan kattoa. julianne moore paaosassa ja sit sen kakara kuolee ja kaikki unohtaa kaiken ja sit sei ookaan kuollu ku ufot tuli ja plaaplaa. moikka.
Hong Kong
In Hong Kong we have finally arrived. I must admit that I'd rather be in Macau - this place is not my cup of tea. There are lots of tall buildings here, filled with offices. You see bussines men walking in a hurry. Tourists are more or less every where. No trace of China almost anywhere. Must say that I miss the continental China and the tasty Chinese food!! This place is really different from the normal China. People are more fashionable, cars are expensive and you can find block of Prada, Escada, Dior, Tiffany etc. blocks. If you wanna shop luxury stuff this is your place.
Our hostel is awful. We have gotten many good laugh when trying to do our normal every day things in the room. It's so small, narrow that there is no place to leave your things all over the place. You really have to consider well how to put the clothes on or how to eat so that the others also have some space. You will see pictures later. For me it is not worth the money... But as you might know, everything cost here alot. It's still no Finland prices but bit of a shock after China. Prices are the double. But well, prices in Finland are sometimes ten times more than in China.
Yesterday we went to see light show on the avenue of stars. The stars are for famous actors, like stars in Hollywood. The light show started at eight - as it starts every night. But well, not very impressive. The post card pictures are much more impressive than the actual illuminations.
Today we took a tram that used to be a normal public transport for the people who lived on the Peak Hill. From the Peak Tower and from outside area you could see the view over the city. But as it was cloudy (not rainy luckily) the view and the buildings were not so very impressive. If you ever go to Rio there you can take the same kind of tram and the views there in Brazil are much better - and you even get to meet Jesus.
This city for me is not so impressive. I suppose many people would be thrilled when being here but I liked for exemple Macau much more. There you could walk the narrow streets alone but this is a big city and you have the big city things: restaurants, malls, museums, financial buildings, busy, stress...
TOmorrow we might to a theme-amusement park. That'll be something I will be looking for.
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