Well i write to you from the rather chilly windy city! since last updating i have uploaded photos rather than text, so decided i probably should let you know where all the photos are from. So since the Cold city of Boston, we came back to washington, spent a few hours there, until we had to get another train out to go to chicago. Weather wasnt overly great, all grey skys, which kinda felt like home, so was pretty good. Anyway, we went to the Air and Space museum and had a free is good! the guy showed us all kinds of pretty cool stuff. ok it interested me, but maybe not everyone else, but we saw a load of modules that had actually been out into space, er, the first plane to fly supersonic, first plane to fly at mach 6, which is pretty dam quick, we also saw the original Wright brothers aircraft, which was the first aircraft every to be flown. Granted it only flew for 10 seconds, but was good seein it. so anyway (again) we only had a few hours in DC this time, so we went back to the station to get out train up to Chicago. It was this massive Double decked thing, so we got upstairs which was good as we could see everything going past, but photos were pretty hard to take because of the speed, but was nice to actually see some of the area we were passing through, and i saw snow for the first time in this trip, ford was adament that it wasnt, but im sure it was.
We arrived 3 hours late into Chicago, which was a bit annoying, as by this time we had been on the train nearly 16 hours! Back two februarys ago when we went to Barcelona, we met these two girls from here, so these were the people we were going to stay with during our stay here, which was kinda cool, as we were getting a roof over our head for a few days! just wanna thank Sarah and Megan, it was really good seein you guys again, and thanks for putting up with us! lol. anyway, that day we met up with them, and they showed us briefly the city, in a quick Whistle stop tour way. Its a really nice city. lots of big building and parks. that night to show our gratitude we cooked them a meal. originally it was going to be a beef dinner, seen as it was sunday, but we didnt have time, so we settled for cottage pie.....and yes, they hadnt heard of it...boy were they in for a treat!! they even took some into work the next day, and no1 there had heard of it...but tasty it was! next day, well we literally had all these things planned, but didnt actually manage to leave the flat! is was so warm and comfy, and in the words of scott G "deliciously comfy" so we just watched films all day with a few beers. was good to just relax actually, so that we did.
next day was halloween, which as you know, the americans celebrate it far more than us in the UK, so we had to make the effort. we went to the costume shop down the road, and got two doctors outfit, some fake blood etc. We played a few games (drinking) b4 we went out, 8's (which i was sure was called 7's, but hey), golf and another one, which i cant really remember, anyway, we went out on a pub crawl. jumped in a taxi, and went to the first bar on the list. seconds later, we had to come back as ford forgot his ID, so we started out a little later than planned, but it was a good night none the less. So i write to you now, sat on the comfiest seat on the planet in the flat about to pack my bags again to head down south to New Orleans. Ford knows some peeps down there, so we will stay with him a few days, but hope to also volunteer and help out for a couple of days with the city clean up, which should be good, as well as rewarding! anyway, ill keep you posted. my hands hurt now through typing so.....
See ya! x
p.s sorry for any spelling mistakes, i had to type quick
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