So now, as i write this i have been to the Grand Canyon, and also to Las Vegas, and im sat inside Los Angeles train station waiting for my train to take me up the coast. I also write this for the first time with no companionship. Ford Has gone up north from Vegas as we both have different things we wanna see, but i think we are meeting up in a few days when we got to yosemite, that i learnt is not said like (yos - eh - mite), (but as (yo - sem - e - tea), oh well. So anyway, last time i wrote i was on my way to Flagstaff to get the bus connection to Las Vegas, so from LA it was only a 2 hour trip on the train, which was unusually short in comparison to every other train journey we have done, so it was over in "minutes". We arrived at the Canyon around 10:30. The weather was perfect for seeing the canyon....thank god. I had heard stories of people going to the canyon, and only seen decended cloud, so was glad to hear the weather was perfect. Blue skys and a cool breeze all the way. So anyway, the Canyon park association runs these 3 shuttle buses, the Blue, Green and Red Line. These basically run up and down the south rim in different places, and are there to relieve congestion. I think there is a similar thing going on in Yosemite. So we grabbed the Blue line from where we got dropped off, and that took us to the centre of the three routes. On a tangent, i have found that the americans say Route, as Rowt, and its really REALLY annoying, but anyway. Where we got off gave us the First view of the canyon, which can only be described as breath taking. There really isnt any other word to use to describe it, it really does take your breath away, the pure vastness of it, mixed with the thought of how it was created over thousands of years. It only leaves you feeling envious of the first person who discovered it whenever that was. So from here, we went on a small trail called the Bright Angel Trial and decended into the valley. Not all the way though, as your not meant to do that in one day. There was actually a sign saying that you shouldnt, as 250 people a year either die or exhaustion, or get over exhausted and need to be rescued.....not a good idea then.
We were told by the lady in the visitor centre that the best views were to be seen on the Red "rowt" which was on the West side of the Rim, so we decided to leave that till last, when we were able to get the sunset and take a few piccies. So we went over the Green way. Basically, where the bus dropped you off, at each stop was different views of the canyon. Each and everytime taking your breath away. At one stop we decided to go off into the "bush" a bit and take a stroll down a bit of one of the trails. When we reached the canyon edge, Ford saw a rocky Outcrop that he thought would be a good place to get an "extreme" photo from. All i thought was it looked pretty dangerous, and if it were to go wrong, i would have a squished Ford on my hands, after having fallen 2000ft. So that was a no no, especially when he got there and found it to be further to jump than he thought.
The Rest of the day was just spent going up and down the rim looking at the different view points. Eventually we ended up getting onto the Red "rowt" and heading along it. here we would see the Colarado River for the first time, and the rest of the canyon, from a different perspective. At this point of the day, unfortunately time was running a bit tight as we had to get our bus back to the Amtrak Station at 5:45pm. Sunset was at 5:17, so you can imagine the rush we got into after, but we did make it back in time. In fact the bus driver was 10 mins late, so we could have had longer there, but we got some good photos none the less. One of my favourites being the portrait one with the blue looking canyon, with a red outspirt in the foreground, and a brief view of the Colarado, pretty impressed was I.
This was also the point, if im honest that i shed my first tear...only one mind, and dont tell Ford, as he wasnt there. But i was stood watching the sunset, probably for around 20 mins, which gave me a fair bit of "thinking time". Basically thinking about how i wished i had everyone there with me to see the view i was seeing, my mum, dad, brother, sis, all my friends etc. I wanted everyone to appreciate what i was doing, as it really was a truely amazing moment...oh well.....NER NER NE NER NER!!
So from the park, we had to get another bus to the Amtrak, to then get another bus to take us to Vegas. The bus connection wasnt actually that bad either, but the bad thing was, we got dropped off at Las Vegas airport, at 3 am in the morning. Not good as we had got to wait till midday until we could check anything in at the hotel (circus circus). So we tried to get some sleep, but i think i only got about 2 hours again, but i guess 2 hours is better than none! We couldnt check into our Hotel room (circus circus) until 3pm, which was another annoying thing as we didnt really wanna lug our bags around with us all day. We decided at 8AM after we woke, and realised where we were, to walk down to the Hotel in the hope they would hold our bags for us until we could check in later that day. Outside was pretty humid, so carrying our bags for 2miles Approx, wasnt the most enjoyable thing. The view were pretty good though, but the way we went, was adjacent to the strip. Only reason being that i didnt want to spoil my first trip down the strip, with a big bag on my back, and a sweaty back. So after about 2 hours, we made it to the hotel. Which by the way was the same one I stayed in when i came here last with my parents.....when i was 7, or was it 8...i dont remember.
We got inline to ask about leaving our bags. When we got to the front, the lady told us that we could check in now if we wanted, as there was a room ready already...result! so after a quick change and shower, we went out to see the strip. ended up going into the first casino, and stayed there for about 3 hours. Was great as if you were sat at a table, or a machine, the waitresses would come round, ask if you wanted a drink, All FOC by the way, and you just had to tip them a dollar each time, well you didnt have to, but you were meant to. So basically we were getting a bottle of beer for a $. so 52p english money for a bottle of corona......beat that weatherspoons!!
By this time it was getting dark, so i wanted to see as much if the strip as i could at night, so we went back, got changed, and showered again......It was a good shower!..... and headed out. Pictures were ok, only problem is my hand wasnt as steady as it should have been, so some didnt come out ok, but check the ones that did. The Strip really does look amazing at night. We went in a couple of casinos, each time getting our "free" drinks. Also going in the expensive casinoes, Bellagio, Wynn, etc. Wynn incidentally, did you know was the most expensive casino, in relative cost, to build on the strip, and it really does look amazing. i know i keep using all these superlatives ( i think) but this whole trip has been full of them! So by the time we strolled in, it was 4am, so to bed i trotted.
Next morning, i wanted to see the rest of the strip, the bits we missed the day before. Most of all i wanted to see the performance of the fountains outside the bellagio. Again, whilst watching them, it gave me thinking time, and again, wished other were there, but oh well, maybe some of you have seen it already, so can relate to it...AMAZING, especially as they got the fountain exactly in time with the music, and it sound weird, but in some places, it is quite amusing! Got a film of it on my camera, but it is too large to post. Oh well, you'll have to wait i guess. My bus was at 5pm, so by this time, time was ticking on, and i didnt wanna miss my bus as it would mess up all my other connections, so at about 3:15, i left Ford at a Poker table, to which he was up....supposedly and walked to the bus stop. The strip by this time was pretty busy, so i got to the bus stop, to which there are loads dotted up and down the strip, and waited for the bus. 10 mins went past, then another 10. they are meant to come every 5 mins, so i decided to carry on walking up, to the next stop. waited, still no bus, so by this time i was getting a bit anxiuos, as the Greyhound stop was situated in Downtown, about 2 miles off the strip. So i spent the next 30 mins walking up the strip, stopping for 2 mins at each stop, and still no Cigar. Its was no 4:15, and i knew the bus took 30 mins, so i was getting pretty worried about missing my bus. So anyway, to cut a long and repetative story short, i ended up walking about a mile then grabbing a taxi, as i couldnt wait any longer. as luck would have it, i got to the Bus station just as they announced the boarding. Lucky!
SO like i said, i am know writing to you from the station in LA. To be honest, i havent been impressed with downtown LA. For some reason I always feel intimidated, but maybe when im back here next and go out of town to see the outskirts, Hollywood etc, my mind my be changed. Its half one in the morning now, and my train isnt until 7:30, so a long wait is on the cards.
Anyway, to sum the last few days up. They have been so so good. Definately the highlights of my trip so far, but also, the first time that im really starting to miss being at home, and the general routine. Im starting to miss my family, my friends and even my Old job @ Sykes!!!! It wasnt helped today when i was sat at one of the bus stops and in the background i heard christmas songs, which reminded me that i wasnt going to be with anyone this year. Instead ill be somewhere in S.America with some spanish speaking strangers, oh well, ill just go on the net in the hope that there are peeps on Msn messenger or summit.
But please do keep the emails, facebook, STA journal, and MYspace messages coming, as they are the only connection i have at the moment with you guys! Also, i can still recieve texts, so thanks scott, neil, tina, mum, Matt etc for sending them as they really do cheer me up when I turn my phone on.
Anyway, best go, as i have run out of things to type!
From here like i said, i am going up north, to Santa Barbara tomorrow, then up to a place called Eugene, which is where Nike originated, quite near to Portland. Then its San Fran, so i'll let you know what happens then!
Take care of yourself everyone!
Love to all that need it!
P.S its also a happy occasion, as i have got my hair back. I can finally style it again, dont get my wrong, having it shaved had its benefits, but when you have a head the size and shape i do, the 'againsts' outway the 'fors'.......just thought i'd let you know!! x
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