Hey, well this entry is all about the glacier, and El Calafate. Well El Calafate wasn't the most exciting place in the world. every other shop was to do with treking or touring on the Glacier, but was quaint none the less.
I was a little worried when i first got there, as i hadnt booked accomodation, and i was told i needed to do that way before i got there, but fortunately for me, the first hostel i walked into, had plenty of rooms free. So i got there about 6 in the evening, just enough time to book myself on the tour to see the glacer the next day, have a shower, etc etc, then head to bed early.
So by this point in my trip, im realising that time is not on my side from now until my flight on the 10th, so i had to do a rush trip to Patagonia, hence why the trip was booked for the next day. Then the day after the trip im heading back upto buenos aires!! :S
Anyway, the next morning i woke early, which was the first time in a while, so the old alarm clock had to come out. I'd organised to go on the Alternative glacier tour, which was supposedly the other bit of the glacier the other tourists didnt get to see. Anyway, we got to the glacier after an hours drive from calafate, and then, ill do what i always do, and say, the pictures explain the rest! Basically the day entailed a short walk, followed by some free time to walk over to the various lookout verandas, then an hour long boat ride in the afternoon
so after a long day of glacier watching, i was going to meet up with Simon again, and another girl from the hostel in Cusco. I met simon earlier in the day on the glacier tour, so i knew what was going to happen. only problem for me, is they were all wanting to go out, and i had to be up early for my bus the next day (3am) so to get around this problem, i figured i would sleep on the bus and stay up. It is a 42 hour bus ride after all, what else was i going to do. So yeah, we went out for some food, and a few cheeky ones, and before i knew it, it was time to pack up and leave.
So like i said, it was a short trip to El Calfate, but although in total, getting there and back, i spent two days on the bus, i felt it was well worth it. What the pictures obviously dont show, is the sheer size in comparison to say, a human, and you could always here something falling off. The glacier itself moves 2metres a day, so in the time we were there, we saw some pretty big chunks fall off. You can even see some of them, from when i was on the boat. They arent the best, but you can see it happening....i think.
Im just babbling now, so ill let you go. Next time you here from me, ill be back in Buenos Aires deciding how im going to get to Rio, and after a 42 hour bus ride, i figure ill probably wanna fly!
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