We know a special couple that over the years we have met and kept in touch.
So ,on our way to Alaska we drove thru Washington state and gave them a call as I have mentioned in our last post.
Anyway, they have a boat-------OH what a boat!!
Thirty foot Catamaran with twin 250 outboard motors.
We started at Anacortas Wa and went on a 91/2 hour 106 mile wonderful tour thru the San Juan Islands.
The water was pretty rough for awhile till we got out further then settled down.
It a was a bit cold and windy but by about 9am warmed right up. Incredible.
Mel insisted Roy learn to captain the boat. So he took over and learned to follow
a nautical gps which is different than auto gps.(a bit)
He learned how to forward and reverse to turn a tight circle.
In case you have to pick up a man overboard.
He got in and out of docked boats.
Tied up.
We toured the islands. Looked at all the lovely homes.
Then to and island that use to be a private hunting property.
Now the animals roam around the island for all boaters to enjoy.
We seen eagles, some sort of sheep and their babies, rabbits, seals
Went to another island and docked the boat , went in for coffee .
Then back to the boat and more running touring.
Stopped at a park and went on a hike, so beautiful
more islands , towns, scenery!!
Just lovely!
Then into another island , Friday Harbor for supper.
Walked thru town and seen a very small post office.
A Statue of a seal named Popeye.
He is a real seal and has one blind eye.
He makes a round of the boats looking for hand outs. If you don't feed him he will splash you.
Then back to the boat and another circle around the island with the animals.
Slowly touring to see what was there , then back home.
We had on very full rich day, thank you so much Sue for insisting Mel take us.
Thank you Mel for taking time away from Sue.
So many wonderful memories of our time with Mel and Sue.
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