We were just walking along the other day trying to stay in the shade.
theres an area that's about a block long has a roof over it.
We hear birds squaking and making all kinds of racket.
Don't really pay much attention.
All of a sudden , loud squaking and commotion overhead, and wing flutters very close
and Thump , I'm hit on the shoulder with a dead chicken head! Ughhh !
The birds had found a dead chicken head they were fighting over.
A butcher was cleaning chickens , and I was the lucky recipient of a head they got away with.
I certainly hope that's some sort of Chinese good luck omen or blessing!
at least there was nothing to clean up!
We have seen most of what we wanted to see in Malaysia ,and will be leaving George Town
tomorrow, we hope. Headed back north to Thailand.
This is time we planned ahead and got a sleeper Bertha! Yea!
i guess if the train arrives late in the town or two before us they just skip Butterworth to make up
So you have to check in by noon and they will let you know if you will be leaving at 2pm.!
OK !??
George Town is a mix of a whole lot of different ethnic groups,
we have met Norway, several from Holland, Brazil, Germany, sweden, England, Austrailia, New
Zealand, China,Ukraine, California, North Carolina. To name a few.
It it hasbeen an interesting time here. Not what we expected.
We have been very lucky because the RM and the Bhat have really taken a fall. That means in
a place that is already easy on the pocketbook , things are an even better bargain.
We have seen some very beautiful places, and been honored to view some incredible sights.
Malaysia has some very lovely scenery, some very hot and humid weather , and some incredibly
sweet wonderful people.
For us Kuala Lumpur is a place that can really grow on you quickly,
there is a lot to see and do. Wonderful people, and lots of food, and very easy on the pocketbook.
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