The adventure begins...
Touchdown in Peru's capital city- Lima. After being greeted by our taxi man in arrivals, we took our first steps outside. The warm air and familiar stuffy city smell engulfed us, adding serious volume to our already frizzy plane hair- we were in definite need of a shower! The piercing noise of the car horns played their own orchestral tune during the 40 minute journey to the hostel- '1900 Backpackers'. Designed by Gustav Eiffel, the hostel was once a mansion and it's grandeur and period features are carried from the exterior through to the interior. A comfortable and safe stay that I would recommend. Lima has been a little underwhelming. The city is derelict and offers few architecturally inspiring buildings. Plaza San Martin, one of the city's many centres, is a very Spanish influenced square. Surrounding buildings are impressive, however like much of the city, surrounding streets offer a glimpse of the poverty this city still suffers from. This was definitely confirmed after comparing Miraflores, the city's affluent coastal strip, and that of the sea of slums on the way to Punta Hermosa. It was very humbling to witness the squalor so many of the Peruvian people live in. So, a few questionable tan/ burn lines later and we're planning our next move. Two days in Lima has been enough to explore what this city has to offer, which in my opinion is very little. Adios hustle and bustle and hola to a beautiful oasis on the northern coast of Peru- Máncora, the llamas are coming for you!
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