Good blog, seems like you've been quite busy. Hope you're enjoying Phi Phi, I met so many people there it was awesome and I hope you've had a chance to visit the real 'beach'- the swim into that cave is so much fun and you get to do loads of snokelling. Where is the next stop? Samui I guess?
Nothing much going on here, my expediiton has been diverted to Malawi coz Kenya isn't safe enough- I'm so much more excited about Malawi,it looks awesome!
Don't miss home for one minute, have the time of your life xxxx
just read your blog sounds like your having great fun, sorry your still not better sarah hope the new tablets work. All is well here, we had a great time in Ireland with wonderful food jenny and gren came with us we all loved it! we all miss you being here but the time seems to be passing quicker than i thought it would. Take care both of you and keep safe hope we can speak soon love & hugs xxxxxx
Hey guys,
I have very little time to do anything personal at work but it's worth making some to read your blogs! Glad you enjoyed Goa but big pity about the Taj Mahal- my mate said it was only £3!!! I guess you're on a travelling budget now.
Where's your first stop in Thailand? Hopefully you can egt to an island soon and have a bit of a break from the dirty cities.
Al xxx
Hi guys. Sounds like you're having fun! Hope you're both well. Of course you're not missing out on ANYTHING here, so don't worry about home and enjoy every minute. Miss you. Love Kate x
Sarah please see important message on your email.
Love dad x x x
Nige And Susie
Hi guys - just read your blog - seems like you're off to a good start. Had you done any of the do's and don'ts you were told about by the French girl and did you pay for the womans tea or not? Are you managing to take photos as you go? Was the train a diesel? Have you been swimming yet? Sorry to bombard you with questions but you didn't say. Also was the flight ok? Love to you both and mind how you go. me and mum. x x x
Thomas And Sarah
Hey Ellie and all!
thanks for your messages, having great fun thanks, much much nicer in Goa, so hot though, we've just had a stroll along the beach and a late lunch, going to waste some time now until the sunset and watch that with a couple of drinks, love to all, Thomas and Sarah x x x
Mumma Griff And Rach
hello my lovelys,
Weather sounds great, hopfully Goa will be more exciting, although it sounds like you have already had an adventure on your journey to Goa, All is well in our world, Mike passed his driving test first time today, and Mike W came round for a coffee yesterday, he's missing you already, and so are we!sounds like your having a great time already so carry on with having fun. Take care love and hugs from us all xxxxxxx
Hi guys, missing you already! Where is your first blog? I guess you've been really busy travelling around and stuff- are you still in Delhi?
Nowt to report here- birthday was really fun and lots of people came out in the end which was nice. Thank you again for the Theatre tickets- such a nice pressie. I feel terrible using them without you though so if it's possible, I'll wait to see something when you're back and can come with me.
Love you, Al x
hi tom& sarah how was the plane ride ? hope you are well good luck all the best and hope to see you soon.
from elliexxx
Dad & Mum
We are eagerly awaiting details of your flight and stay in Delhi. Got your text saying Delhi is strange! I put your leaving photos on my facebook.