hey pop! so glad about Wigan, will check details shortly, what gret news!! things have settled down since the full moon, i think less alcohol is the better option...(still miss you all tho )happy mothers day mum and Anne from both Tom and me!
Alice i dont have a tattoo you nerd, (unless i wrote it wrong in the blog?) Thomas got a tattoo, angie got a tattoo and the rest of us girls got our ears pierced (oh the joys of peer pressure) so nothing too crazy and mine has nearly hea;ed up fine now. just in singapore in our first dorm of the trip, i got relegated to the bottom bunk, Tom wanted the top (which means i can use that on the plane tommorow to blag the window seat hopefully!!)
i think im going on blog strike now until Tom writes one as im sure everyone would like to hear from him for a change so watch this space... speak soon all (apologies all round for the tipsy calls ... x x x)
Hi Guys
Well! - Thursday again, how time flies and I bet it's flying for the two of you too. Looking forward to your next blog (Tom!) now that you have moved on and yes it was nice to hear your voice over the wire on the night of the full moon (glad the full moon is only once a month though)
Hope things have settled down ok and both enjoying what you went out there for.
Good news on the Wigan front - I'll send details via email later.
Love you both loads.
Nige and Susie x x x
Hi pretties!
Hope you're both well. Was so lovely to talk to you both the other night, even if you were a little tipsy! So you're going to Oz then??? Really glad to hear it! Let me know when you're in Sydney and I'll get the guys to take you out. Lots of love xxx
P.S. Lilly and Blossom are fine, no chicks yet...altho Mum has brought a 'how to look after chickens' book :s
Ooo- I'm finding out news for myself here- congrats Selina (I guess this blog is the place to be)
Where is your tatoo mate, I'm concerned xxx
Hi Sarah & Tom. How are you both? Hope you are having heaps of fun and the time of your lives. Cant believe this time last year I was travelling myself! Everything ok here. I'm moving into a 1-bed flat in Southampton at the end of March so you and Alice will have to come stay when you get home, have a girls night on the town! Also job hunting and looking at various new career paths....Keep having an awesome time, love reading your blogs and hearing what you've been up to. Stay safe and look after yourselves. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
hello my lovely - just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday all my love and hugs mum xxxxxxxx
Hey you two! Guess you're having a good time then! Glad to hear you're feeling better Sarah. Just to say, Tom, have a great birthday! What mad escapade do have in mind this year? Have a great time guys. Lots of love.xxx
The Morrells
Big Hi to you both - sounds like your having a great time - We wanted to wish Tom A Happy Birthday have a great day and do something you'll always remember - we'll be thinking of you love Gary, Tina, Lizzie and Matt xx
Hannah And Jazza
Hi guys, sounds like you're having an amazing time. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better saz! Not much to report here apart from we're moving into a new flat on sat so you will have to come visit when you're back. Take care, enjoy your travels xxxx
Hi guys!!!
I hope you are having a lovely time. just a quick message as i am at work booooooo and have been checking your blogs but have only just realised i can post a message hahaha. Look after yourselves you two - Miss you milllions and a tiny bit scotty come home soon
haha thats hilarious!! trust Tom not to remember, i did think it was odd that he's never been, perhaps it was a ploy to make sure we'd go this time!!
sounds good about malawi Al...where is it???? sorry! we have gone to long beach, bit more secluded as phi phi town is just too crazy for me. this place we're staying has one shop and one internet cafe and a couple of resturants and the most amazing beach, much more my style, although i do get dragged over in the evenings by a certain someone to go back to the pubs etc, even though i cant drink :-( hehe. will prob miss out samui, the prices are so high, maybe 3 times the amount i paid 3/4 years ago, and samui is too commercialized and im guessing the prices won't be worth it, maybe ko tao or pgan gnan...not sur yet!
glad you all had a lovely time in Ireland Anne, i think the time is going quick too! i am starting to feel better and its last day of antibiotics today so touch wood ill be back to normal!!
thanks for all your msgs, Toms not with me this morn, but i know he will be happy to read them later on, will call home again soon only because i want to speak to everyone! lots of love all x x x
hello guys, how are you? we went out for a meal last night for mum and dads anniversary which was nice, i havnt really been doing anything interesting which sucks, tom you have been to a zoo twice and you have had the oppurtunity to come for my birthday before to you wally, mum and dad took you to London Zoo when you were younger, and if you had of come to my birthday we all saw giraffes, you silly twit, hope that you are both well, take care lots of love to you both xxxxxxxxxx