Next on the agenda we booked our selfs a caving and kayaking day, we visited the famous water cave where guided by ropes and with head torches on you jumped in a tube and floated through water filled caves and tunnels, even the screaming hoards of Chinese geriatrics couldn't take away from the magic of the experience. After lunch it was into the kayaks for the 2+ hours paddle down the river, apart from the almost epically disastrous capsize in the first 20 seconds we survived the rapids and enjoyed a really special journey. That evening after dinner we grabbed some beers and headed for the hotel balcony, we were treated to an impromptu sci-trance dj set from Sam!
For the last day we had minor adventure and major relaxing in mind, we grabbed our swimming gear and headed for a remote cave outside of the town, rumour had it there was a underground swimming pool waiting to be discovered. In the cave we inched sideways through narrow dark passages for several metres, with the route narrowing we were more than a little concerned that we might not return! With some deep breaths needed to pass the narrowest points the passage eventually opened up slightly to reveal a small crystal clear natural plunge pool, with our adventure stating to feel more like the beginning of a z list Hollywood horror movie we gingerly waded in. With the count of 3 we simultaneously turned off our head torches and allowed ourselves a moment of terror! Still alive, we made our way back via the spider invested entrance, through the dark jungle and over the rickety bamboo bridge to safety. With relaxation the priority back in town we made for the river, we grabbed a hammock each and settled in for the evening.
The last supper was a giant sandwich and the biggest salad known the man, generously paid for by Sam and Acacia (cheers guys). We said our fair wells exchanged details and headed for the sleeper bus and an overnight journey to Luang Prabang. With typical South East Asia style the more expensive sleeper bus became the not so comfortable VIP seated bus and with not a thing we could to change our fate we settled in for an uncomfortable nights sleep. Vang Vieng, a place where marijuana, magic mushrooms and opium can be bought in most bars, not quite the raucous, crazy, booze fuelled death trap that it once was but there was enough to satisfy any traveller looking for a party and not to much to take away from the beauty of the place. Top marks from us!
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