Toto, we are definitely not in Kansas anymore.
Or Oz, for that matter. I've now left Australia; land of slip, slop , slap, budgie-smugglers, eskies, stubbie holders and a million Poms. I've had a great time seeing all my friends and enjoying non-rice-based meals - last night we went for the biggest burgers I've ever seen, yum! I'm now revived, more tanned, and ready for a new continent... the mighty South America.
En route to Argentina I've got a little stop-over in Auckland (nice to add another country to the list!), then I'll cross the PAcific Ocean, the equator and the international dateline - arriving in Argentina just 2 hours after I left Sydney. Bizarre. Here's to decent in-flight entertainment, books, magazines, i-pods and hopefully quiet travelling companions. Oh, and drugs to knock me out for a few hours!
I've booked a hostel in Buenos Aires which Splatty recommended to me, when I went on the reviews page the last one was from Sarah Davies - here's hoping that's my Sarah! Took it as a sign...
Next stop, Buenos Aires!
- comments
Mum 'Are you there yet?' That's what Heather keeps asking! Wish we could click our ruby slippers 3 times and see you. Don't forget - 'There's no place like home'.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx