So finally you set off and now your're about to leave Auckland. Shame I didn't know your itin cos lots of my friends live in Aukers and one of them knows exactly where the free red bull drinks are cos he's chief finance cheese there. Anyway, good to see grandpa's come good on the camera! Let me know your plans and when travelling to Oz.
Hi Grandpa
Thanks for the offer of a new camera. It does work but some of the buttons ie the flash and the timer dont work (but they were already set up as auto anyway so its not too much of a prob) also i cant delete the pics off the camera but can do that on a computer, so again not much of a prob. I can probably persevere for now but if it gets annoying I will let you know!!
Thanks again, hope you had a good day at Stokesay I love it there. Keep reading the blog and leaving messages...its nice to hear from you.
love Bec
I have spoken to your Mum, & she reminds me that you are probably insured for this. If so, it is likely to take some time to get compensation. The best idea may be to send you some money ( I have your details ), & you can pay me whatever you get on insurance,not exceeding what I send you. What do you think ? Luv GP
Ah Grandpa - bless him!
Aargh, that's annoying about the phone and camera - the lengths you'll go to so you don't have to put any pictures up!
I've added this blog to Google reader so I can keep up to date with your antipodean antics ;-) Keep having fun...
It's v. important u have a camara !! If I can get money into your a/c I will give u a Birthday pressie in advance !! I will ask Kt to give me details. Keep smiling . We are going with friends to Stokesay Castle today. I have to go every week to Stybank to feed the birds. We have kept an amazingly varied bird population this year. M sends her love, and so do I - GP.
Hey hun!
Sucks about you're phone and camera, you are so good at breaking them lol!
All is good here. Doing exams this week. Had one Tuesday and got another one tomorrow, eek.
Sounds like you're having a wicked time so far. Keep up the blogging!
Lots of Love Kim xxx
Sounds like you're having fun! Don't go spending all that money in the bars! Ha Ha! Don't forget your sun cream! XXX
Dave And Catherine
We've bookmarked your blog. We'll look at it regularly so make sure you keep it updated so we know how you're getting on.
Glad to hear you're settling in well. Enjoy the adventure! Bizarrely we're watching Billy Connolly on the TV right now and he's in New Zealand - spooky!!
Take care.
Love Catherine, Dave , Jack and Raili xx
J G Haslam
Hello Bec - this old man has found the good news of your arrival in AUK. Well done. we look forward to the news of your environmental studies!! keep it up - lots of love Grandpa and M xxxx
Bec - it sounds and looks so lovely in NZ - have a great time - M
Nice one dude!! You made it and it sounds fab! Check me out - first to read your blog. It's because I wanna be there!!!!!
Also wanna keep your viewing figures up!
Got my first scan today - and the little baby is in fact a big baby! It is almost 4 months and is due on 12th July now. I love it already - saw it kicking its little legs and everything
Keep on writing and having fun xxxxx
Good luck Da. I know you'll miss me but have a great time! Keep us all up to date with your adventures - I'm jealous! XXX