how are you? Hope you having fun on your BRILL travels and can't wait to see you when you get back : ).
<font size= 3> Lvya. Raili. <font size=4> xxx
WELCOME 2 OZ U FLAMING GALLAH!!!!! Wow lovely yet another big step on your amazing journey . . . . also forgot 2 say sooner how great 2 it was 2 chat 2 u on Skype the other day. will defintely get hooked up to that when I have a house 2 put it in!! now get yourself to ramsey street and bag yourself a part as an extra, u could skydive in to the street and demand they bring back Harold ; ) i can picture it now!!
Hey hun. How's things? My phone is playing up, so I've lost a load of numbers. Could you text me or something so I've got yours. Hope your still having an awesome time. Can't believe you're off to Oz already! Luv Kim xx
Like the look of the Haslam wine! Haha XXX
Hey hun! It was lovely chatting to you at the weekend. We'll make sure the webcam is working next time. Well done for getting your car sorted! Missin you loads. Luv Kim xx
and yes it was the coat you bought me lol...told you not to to buy a bargin basement one!!!!! Only kidding im very upset about it! xxx
haha very funny cheers for being so concerned ha. Seriously though I thought I may have ended up in one of those death holes!!! Planned skydive for Sunday lets hope I have more luck! xxxx
Mum And Mitch
Erm yea sorry me and Michael did have a giggle at your slide on the glacier! Was that the coat I bought you that is ruined? haha. Sounds great. lots of love
Hi G and S! I tried to call you this morning your time..sorry if you couldnt make out who called you. Stupid skype phone wasnt working so you wouldnt have been able to hear me! Instead I will try and call you the same time tomo!
have a good day xxx
Hi G and S
Yes I would love to call you. I will try you at Sty Bank and then at Ludlow sometime. Its probably best if I try and call you in the morning your time as you chaps are often up and about!
Hope your both well. Lots of Love Bec xxx
It's Tuesday morning, 25 March in Ludlow. We are waitng for the weather to improve, & will then go to Stybank. Things are stirring down there, & the daffodils are coming out. I hope to dig the veg patch, but fear that there are too many rabbits about to expect any results !! We are going to improve the track if we can - I've been saying that for years I know. We have plenty of wood & I've bought a log-splitter to deal with the big stuff. Uncle Guy, the boys & KT helped to fell some trees. I spoke to all of them yesterday. KT was at work until 4pm and she was walking home, hoping Michael had cooked her one of his fab meals!! Annie was not to be disturbed - working hard at her geology! Your latest blogs are tremendous - specially the whales and dolphins. ( I hope this might enclourage GP to visit NZ - Stannie) Also the glaciers sound cool (!!) - if you see what I mean. We could telephone you at no cost if we had a number which you could be at and agree a time. If this is possible, e-mail me with datails. West Brom are still in the race for promotion and are also in the FA Cup semis. They may be trying to do too much and blow it. We enjoy the cricket against NZ - especially when E is winning. Lots of love - GP