Hi ya, Gem I have just sent you a long personal email so will not bore you both again. Just wanted to say hope your still having fun. Love you and miss you both still as much as before. Me and Scott cant wait for your return. Party on. Take care and love yas Tanya and Scott xxx
Smithers Jones & Mcgann
Kenyons in the house. We are missing you guys!!!!! Where you going to be in Asia around the 10th Dec??? It looks like we be landing in Bangkok around this time.
Take it easy.....
You look like you are in your element, both of you, i'm so jealous. Have'nt been able to get on the net so not been able to see what you have been up to on your travels. Good to know you are safe and well.
When you both back?
Fran Lally
Hello Kenyons...
Your photo's are brill. So bloody jealous, they bring back lots of memories. Looks like the goon is working its wonders!!!
You two look very happy! Keep enjoying and stay safe......don't be getting in any fights with abbo's or gater's over in W.A.
Love from Rother's.
Lovin the photos looks like you're having a rite laff. My computers been broke so I've not been able to have a look for a while and its took me ages to get back up to date! Keep posting stuff!
Love PK xx
Nina And Teebs
Hi you guys
Can't believe the bloody colour of you both, it look slike you are having plenty of time to do a spot of bathing!! Glad you are still having a fantastic time, you make us sick with envy.
Missing you loads, love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Johnson
Hey kids
Great pics...glad you manged a Whitsunday Cruise....hope time isnt going to fast for you...enjoy every minute....only 6 weeks to Baby Jono arrives...Sarah is getting very tired now
Wish we were there,...brings back so many memories
Julie And Fred
Hi there
The pictures look great, fred says he's been to all these places before you (google earth) but he didn't have as much fun.
Fred wants to know how you managed to sneak out one of his lumber jackets without asking gemma. He said next time take him with it.
Fred and me are considering starting up one of these sites called captain fred sparrow's pirates of the caribbean cruise. So watch this space (not long to go now we cant wait).
carry on having fun and sending the pics. I look on the site every day at work.
Love to you all
Julie and fred xxxx
Lou Slaz
I want to come and play.....!!!!!! x
Monday soccer is taking off nicely Rob. I'm sure you'll fit back in quickly and polish up on your Colin-esque skills.
I've found a new cheese that I think you'll take to quite nicely. Somehow sitting around a cheeseboard isn't quite the same recently..people don't understand why that part of the meal can take 2 hours and lead to horrific nightmares and 3 empty packets of jacobs mixture selection...
Looking forward to christmas now and will be pacing my annual meat order...I presume you will be quite busy this xmas but I'll put a little fresh gammon aside for you and the gemster!!
Laters for now
Gall Kelly & Lennon
Hey guys, hope your ok, just thought I would say hi, just on training at Sheffield and needed a break. Hope you all looking after each other and still having fun. Love yas long time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gail And Harribo
Hi Rob and Gem,
Just caught up on your travelling, loving the pics, and am not in the slightest bit jealous, honest. You both look like you're having the best time, hope you enjoy every minute and soak it up.
Cant wait for new pics and I think you might need to buy a bigger mantlepiece.