STOP laughing and replace the word "tit" with "it".
[Nah, I think I'll leave the phrase "snorting tit" as it is, it's funnier like that. Nae offence, like! - ACM]
The Kilted Kangaroo
Hey Stoaty, I saw the button for "get help" to the right hand side of the message board here on Hoggies blog - and I thought it rather apt for you.
I am however grateful for your hunting, gatherer tendencies as I was a huge fan of Creamola Foam and perhaps can be once again. Never snorted the stuff but can recommend inhaling tit. The foam, that is.
Hog: when do you get here???? I'm off to New Zealand for a few days in August: 12th to 16th, so lets hope that doesn't coincide with your being around Brisvegas and Surfers Paradise. I think naming somewhere "Surfers Paradise" is absolutely ridiculous and keeping such a name for many decades is even more ridiculous. The Australians (lovely as many of them are, and many NOT) really were not overly bestowed with many adjectives. We have a Mount Difficult. A Mount Lofty. Theres Mount Warning. And a Broadbeach, Mainbeach, 5-Mile Beach. Didn't Eminem write a song about that? Anyway, safe travels and bring thermal underwear: it's chuffing cold here. I made the huge mistake of giving everything woollen I possessed to charity when I moved here not realising its flipping freezing in the winter. And winter it is. Nine degrees in the morning yesterday. 25 in the middle of the day mind you. You have been warned.
The Winking Stoat
Im looking for Creamola Foam/Snackstop/Powdered recipe mixes.
All the above products were sold in 2002 to Brand Partnership who can be contacted using the following address and telephone number:
Brand Partnership
Brand House
SouthFork Ind Estate
Dartmouth Way
Leeds LS11 5JL
Tel: 0113 270 6061
The Winking Stoat
From the Scotland on Sunday newspaper:
"Originally produced in Glasgow, Creamola Foam was practically unknown south of the Border, but sold all over Scotland. It was also popular in Northern Ireland. A number of Creamola Foam nostalgia websites have sprung up, in which fans have discussed their favourite flavours, disputed the spelling (Creamola, not Cremola, is correct), hailed it as a hangover cure, and even hinted at less family-friendly uses for the drinks, such as mixing with vodka and even snorting the powder. "
Salt and pepper for your hat? You know that a pedant like myself would never mis-spell "Creamola".
The Masked Badger
Where is that stinking hegdehog then?
You have lost it have not you? Well at least stick a two lollipop cross in the ground and take a photo of that. I at least have been keeping myself amused by taking hedgehog photographs of my own two resident hedgehogs.
My neighbour had been baiting them with cat food and they have become quite docile.
Soon my plans to launch them into the blue yonder whilst tied to an airfix 747 will be complete.
I wonder if they will sing about axe wounds??
In other news
Toby can say Dada now!
The Wandering Hedgehog
Oi Stoat,
Try spelling "Cremola Foam" correctly when you look on eBay. Unless this is one of those cryptic messages you warned me you were going to leave?
I passed the cursor over the main page today, and it said I've had 2,065 hits. Considering there are 40 people in my e-mail list and I've only put a few journal entries in, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?
The Winking Stoat
I was playing scrabble once and my tiles were very poor indeed. But it was a very important game so I took an incredible amount of time trying to get as many useless expensive letters on to the board. But they were so poor that I eventually had to give up. In order not to upset my opponent by spending so much time to get nothing, I looked at him and asked "Is Creamola Foam two words?". Creamola Foam was apparently (according to t'internet) discontinued in 1998 although I thought it would have been much earlier than this. Google has a link called "buy creamola foam from e-bay" which helpfully then says "0 items found for creamola foam". Maybe the recipe is available somewhere, although half the ingredients are probably listed substances or banned by the Geneva Convention.
The Kilted Kangaroo
G'dday mate, glad you're getting some snake maiming practice in before you get here, because they'll have woken up and be feeling frisky when you finally get here. I have at least 3 - that I know of - in my garden. You are welcom to run all of them over as they give me the willies. Great news about the tequila and red bull, its even better if you can find Cremola Foam to put in it. Remember: 0406 963 865 when you get to the land of Oz.
The Winking Stoat
Well done selling your flat. Now you can spend it.
I once helped a friend eat his car (or at least the money he got by selling it) in Kent - it was thoroughly enjoyable.
It sounds like you are having a great time.
Are any of the girls tall, single and both?
Looking forward to some more hedgehog pictures...
Sounds like you are having a wicked time. Your entries so far have me intrigued (oo big word for me) and look forward to wherever you may land up next. Branch 6137 all say Hi.
Sounds like such a great trip, great reporting I'm quite hooked on your website waiting for the next installement! Sorry won't be around when you're in Singapore, need anymore recomendations let me know!
Jo Robinson
I hope the Hedgehogs travel plans are better than mine, looks like Alzheimers has set in early 4 me. I went racing up the A89 this morning thinking I was gonna be late 4 work in Broxburn. It was 5 to F'in EIGHT not 5 to NINE!!! Didn't realise til the news came on the radio!! There's no hope 4 me! Thought this might make you laff!
Lookin 4ward to next installment of Hedgy's adventures. No 6ft Scandinavian blondes yet I see, ha ha. Have fun, Jo x