Bored with reading your drivel I decided to read someone elses Blog on the STA journal page.
Turns out George is on the Dreamcatcher with his companion doing the whole Airlie Beach thing. They have in their party a nutty Scandinavian bint whos shagging her way to her 18th man.
Haste you to the Dreamcatcher my filthy Hedgehog reprobate!
The Masked Badger
MORE hedgehog photographs!! Now!
Or a photograph of an echidna would do
Hedgehog flavoured crisps tasted like smoky bacon and there was a hint of prawn maybe this represented its viscera mixed with tyre rubber?
Ask a gypsy how authentic the taste was bless the Romany for inventing Hedgehog Roly-poly which just requires the beast to be rolled in mud and then baked. Mmmmmmm Bootiful.
I miss them.. More than I miss Creame of Mole A. I only have one fond memory of Cremola; when it hardened into one medium sized lump that became impossible to dissolve. It just sat at the bottom of the glass like a piece of pink rock. Wow!!
How difficult would it be to take several photographs of Australia without any bikini babes in shot.? Apparently quite easy, seeing as its so nippy down under at the mo?
Blast your eyes Hedgehog!! Get your butt to Summer Bay !!
The Winking Stoat
You used to be able to buy hedgehog flavour crisps here until someone sued the company because they weren't authentic hedgehog flavour. The company backed down and ceased production. No-one thought to arrest the complaining loony who had been eating hedgehogs.
If you're ever in Devon, there is a fabulous hedgehog hospital where you can touch hedgehogs and see baby hedgehogs.
It's better than it sounds.
You must never feed a hedgehog bread or milk. Although they love it, it is very bad for them.
I have now run out of hedgehog things to say.
Steve And Jo
how is the gay hedgehog
The Wandering Hedgehog
There is a chocolate-snack-type-bar over here called the "Picnic Hedgehog".
Glad the weather's nice in Scotland, it's quite cold here. I had to wear a jumper to the pub the other night.
The Winking Stoat
Leeann can't spell.
It's not "I would kill the lot of them, but there a protected species."
It's "I would kill the lot of them, but THEY'RE a protected species."
I suggest you sack her for being illiterate.
On a lighter note, check out my new website:
The Masked Badger
So you went to the other side of the globe to get your ass bitten, pummelled and chafed. You really should have gone to CC Blooms in Edinburgh if you wanted that kind of action
In non-premique news:
Next door neighbour has run over hedgehog Sarah was very distraught in-con-solable actually. Ah.. but my blessed dispenser Leeann couldnt have put it better, Uuughh! Hedgehogs vicious b******s! You should see what they can do to a chicken if they get in the pen. They rip their throats out. I would kill the lot of them, but there a protected species.
Ha!! My crusade has reached its turning point. Finally the network of anti-hedgehog freedom fighters is growing.
I would have done a victory dance around the chicken molesting flat b****** the next morning but Ian across the street had shovelled it up and launched it into the field before 8am.
I wonder if Sir Elton was thinking about such things when he sang, Circle of Life?
In obligatory weather news..
Wow its hot over here; s*** must be the best summer EVER! I am serious and Im sure anyone here will back me up BEST SUMMER EVER! Girls in bikinis, ice cream vans turning a profit and cool beers under the endless blue skies.
Apparently next summer is going to be rank practically non-existent.
The Winking Stoat
Will there be any more picures of the stuffed hedgehog soon?
Sounds like you're having a miserable time and can't wait to return to the mystic joy that is locum pharmacy. Missing you.
PS. I don't know if you were a fan of David Gemmell but he sadly passed away recently leaving an unfillable gap on the throne of fantasy fiction.
Hey were are you, we haven't heard from you in a whole week which is really unusually for you. Hope you are still having a good time.
Premique low dose??????sorry all out of it
The Winking Stoat
FAO The Masked Badger (or anyone else who can help).
You don't happen to have a spare pack of Premique Low Dose in your dispensary do you?
T.W.S. (aka Captain Creamola).
The Winking Stoat
Vampire Cop, Ricky does indeed look like the best poster, ever. Well done.
And congratulations also on not going to prison forever for drug trafficking. I find that phrases like "I've just reversed over your dog" don't quite have the same bottom sphincter relaxation capability. Have you located a launderette yet?
Throw another shrimp on the bar-b for me.
And don't play with any animals or invertebrates at all in Oz, because they are all completely venomous.
Andrew Benjamin
Hey Alasdair
Great to hear you are coming down under soon.
When you get here, give me a call on 02 62480783 (work). I can visit you in Sydney on a weekend and/or you can come to Canberra
By the way, you will be pleased to know I named my pharmacy with Scottish influences in mind. (Its called Campbell Pharmacy!) As you'd probably guess, the suburb is called Campbell!
Anyway, enjoy Singapore and hope to see you in Oz.