Sounds good Jen. Make sure you get to Kamari beach.
Sue Powell
I like the fact your having to odd power nap then back in the fast lane and off adventuring !!!!
Jenny And Jim
You look and sound like you are having a wonderful time.
Moira Richardson
You two look so relaxed, and sounds like you're having an absolute ball. Enjoy every last minute.
Moi xx
Con Lolis
Up to date with reading blogs & posted some small comments, looking forward to the next instalment of Goodys Odyssey,
Con & Maria
All up to date with the blogs posted! Look forward to the next blogs. I keep wondering how Raymond is coping with the pivo's, food and the pace, Jenny you are a hard taskmaster!
Moira Richardson
Hi Guys,
Have just read all the entries - so, so jealous.
Sounds like you're having an amazingly fantastic time.
Look forward to your next instalment.
Love Moi and the kids xx
Kathy Richmond
Wow! Looks good you are giving me the travel bug again.