Day 28: Kings Canyon to Alice Springs
Today we welcome into the world a new member of our extended family. Darren's cousin Neil and his beautiful wife Krystle brought the gorgeous Bryce Mitchell Blow into the world. Well done Krystle and we can't wait to give him a cuddle when we reach the Gold Coast in September.
Our day was not so exciting. We left Kings Canyon for the 4 hour drive to Alice Springs.
Fuel at Kings Canyon was $2.33 a litre so Darren had put some in the car the previous day and topped it up from the Jerry can with what we thought would be a little more than enough to get us to Erldunda where fuel is only about $1.93. We had slightly miscalculated! Darren thought we would get to Erldunda with about 40litres to spare, however it turned out to be only about 10 litres. Oops, another lesson to learn from. Obviously we made it but both Darren and I were biting our finger nails for the last 20 kms or so. I kept counting down figuring how long it would take me to walk from each point with a Jerry can :-).
Erldunda was also our lunch stop. Seems we had eaten the caravan cupboards bare, we had to but lunch from the petrol station/road house. Definitely not gourmet, but we ate quickly to hasten our return to the road.
We arrived at the Big4 park in Alice A
Springs at about 3pm. The park is beautifully presented, it's a pleasure to stay at a park where maintenance is so obviously considered a priority.
We have been given a site right next to the amenities block, which is always a bonus.
The block appears to have been newly refurbished, the only down side is that not far from us is a group of teenage girls on some sort of school trip. They took great delight in attempting to sing, it was more like a screech, in the amenities block whilst I was trying to have a shower. I don't have much patience at the best of times and even less when I'm not feeling 100%. I am really hoping they are quiet tonight, saying that though, it is currently 10pm and I can't hear a thing from them. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Immediately upon arrival, I left Darren to set the van up whilst I did 3 loads of washing. Geez it builds up fast.
Once washing was complete it was time to do a grocery shop. The shopping complex appears huge, we didn't get there until after 5pm so most shops were closing, but we may need to pop back before we leave on Monday to buy some more CDs. We're getting a bit bored of all our current ones.
Darren is researching what we are doing tomorrow, I am losing the battle against sleep so I am going to give in zzzzzzzz
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