I know what you mean about the toilets. Hope you have a good supply of toilet rolls. Just back from the middle east and yes toilets and personal hygiene are more important than food to a travelle on a 17 hour train journey. perhaps its an age thing as the body parts below the belt seize up.
Enough of the toilet humour, how are coping with rice 24/7 , what would you give for a Kentucky fried chicken. Keep your spirits up, you are on the third world end of the trip !
Mum is well and perhaps we will set up a Video conference in a few weeks when you find a good internet connection.
God bless.
Kevin Cullen
Dear Pat and Issy,
I am so glad you are both safe and well and enjoying your trip. Take care of yourselves and I look forward to hearing all your news as the weeks go by.
Lots of love, Cheryl xx
Can't wait to hear the gory details of your train journeys when you get to Oz. The whole disgusting toilets thing is one of the "delights" of travel and we had some vile experiences in India and Africa BUT those memories do fade and you remember the extra special ones, like wandering off on a side track by the Great Wall of China.
Lots of love,
Alex and Mike
Chris And Alan
Hi Pat & Issy,
Glad you are having a great time, was thinking about you both on the day you travelled, was sitting under a big palm tree at the time, listening to Alan serenading us with his guitar round the pool!!
Bet its really amazing walking along the great wall of China, Alan wants to know if you will be taking part in the London Marathon after that haha!
Enjoy, have loads of fun you two, Byee, Chris & Alan xx
Maureeen And O'reillys
Hiya. Mums fine we are all fine. You left and the sun came out Sorry its taken a while Maureen couldn't get into your blog so she needed someone as amazing as me to do it for her (Siobhan) ...
Auntie Maureen says "Load of rubbish thats what Tishas normally for!"
Dads still on the phone complaining about the wall so not really anything new back in London.
We got the sex and the city dvd mum loved it so youve got something to look forward to.
I'm doing an IT course but still no luck with jobs.
Kerries reached the 6 month mark! Arent we proud lol!
Maurs checking the house tonight so everythings all okay!
So all thats left to be said is hope your having an amazing time and we are all missing you loads!
Keep us posted
Love you xxxxx
Hi from all in Ops Services, good to hear you have arrived safety, anyway y worry about clothes!! Enjoy & be safe Joe, Denise & Louise
Great to know you have arrived safe and sound. China sounds amazing so enjoy it all. Am looking forward to seeing some photos. Look after yourselves and have a wonderful time. Love and big hugs, Maggie
It took me a couple of days to realise how easy it was to add a message! Enjoy the Great Wall and all the rest of the delights of China on your tour.
with love,
Alex (and Mike)
Hi, Issy & Pat:
Glad to hear you made it to China OK. Your grand adventure begins!
Nick, Sue, Jenny And Tommy
Glad you arrived safe and sound
Little bruv
Marie Patel
glad to hear you arrived safely..sorry to be all sensible but i know how difficult access to news is in china............ but dont drink milk.
Hi Pat,
Glad you got there safe and sound. Have an absolutely amazing time and absorb as much as you can from everywhere you visit every moment of everyday.
look forward to keeping up with all of your experiences.