Hello everybody
On Monday I moved from Hervey Bay down to Brisbane by train - should have taken 3 hours but there was a derailment (not my train) and we all had to get on a bus a couple of stops before Brisbane as the track was blocked, so that added an hour to the journey. Never mind. I got to the hostel OK and into my room at about 11am, after which I crashed out for a while as I had had to get up at 3am (aaarrrgggghh) to get a cab to the bus station, followed by the bus to the railway station. As usual, my guardian angel is looking after me and I managed to avoid the worst of the awful storms in Brisbane while I was there. The areas affected have been declared disaster zones and are in a huge mess. I don't know if the news has hit the "outside world" in any great detail, but it's pretty bad there.
It rained solidly in Brisbane the one day and night I was there and then it rained the ENTIRE train journey on Tuesday from Brisbane to Sydney - 6.30am to 10.30pm. However, Ian kindly came to meet me at Sydney Central in the car and we got back to his and had a nice cuppa tea and a chat.
I have now UNPACKED MY BAGS and don't have to pack again until Sunday night. Whoo hoooo !! AND I've got my own CLEAN bathroom to use and decent towels and a nice shower and sheets and a matress that don't make me feel ill when I think of lying on them and real food and no cockroaches in my room and good company and no rush to catch another plane/train/bus for the moment. I have REALLY enjoyed the travelling so far but I must admit it's nice to stop for a short while and catch my breath.
On Wednesday Ian and I took Olivia (his gorgeous 3-year old grand-daughter) into Sydney and we went to St Mary's Cathedral. I lit candles but Olivia didn't because she was worried about the Cathedral catching fire !! Then we had a lovely lunch at a Chinese "dim sum" restaurant, which Olivia adores eating.
Yesterday we did a few necessary bits like getting me a Medicare card so I could see a doctor for repeat prescriptions. The fish market in Sydney is as good as ever and we got some lovely John Dory which Ian cooked to perfection, as usual. At Ian's suggestion, I also bought some thermal undies for NZ as it looks like it could get quite cold in some of the places we're going. The undies are MAJORLY glamorous, ie, black longjohns and long-sleeved vest but WHO CARES if they keep me warm !!
And today - Friday - we've been at Sarah (Ian's daughter) and Eric's all day, which is where I'm writing this blog. Sarah and I took Olivia to kindergarten and then I got my poor bedraggled hair cut. After the sea and swimming pools and the Outback and the Far East and the humidity and having no hair dryer, the hairdresser took one horrified look and said "WHAT have you been doing?". However, she was envious once I told her where I'd been and she managed to get me looking half human again and I feel much more presentable. In the meantime, Ian looked after Emma (Olivia's baby sister). We are staying here for dinner tonight so it will have been a lovely relaxing day by the time we get back.
Tomorrow is more relaxing then dinner with Kerry and some friends and Sunday we'll have to pack and get ready for NZ. So, after a few days of mooching around it will be back to the big adventure !! Watch this space !!
Lots and lots of love to everyone.
Issy xxxxxxxxx
PS: Nick - NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition !!
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