AT LAST !!! A new blog. It's been AGES since the last one but I couldn't get on a PC with the right programme to let me update. Aaarrgghh !!
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Ian and I got back from NZ on 18th December and it was then rather a mad rush to get ready for Christmas. We went up to the Blue Mountains (the Three Sisters - picture above) on 22nd December with Alex and Kerry to have a quiet day remembering Helen. The weather was absolutely beautiful this time and it was quite busy up there but the view of the Three Sisters was lovely. We all shed a few tears and we had a group hug - which I think rather surprised some of the other tourists, but there we go !!
Christmas Day was spent at Ian's, with Alex and Mike, and Sarah, Eric and the girls. It was a very nice day, fairly quiet, and it went by quickly, as usual. Alex stayed in Sydney and the three of us went to Nielsen Park in Vaucluse on New Year's Eve. We had a picnic at about 8pm, watched the first set of fireworks at 9pm and then hung around until the "main attraction" at midnight !! The view from the park was spectacular. We overlooked Sydney Harbour and could see the bridge and the Opera House and all 5 points where fireworks were being set off. It was brilliant and a really good show.
I am now in Malua Bay at Alex and Mike's place, which is just lovely. We had supper looking out across the bay from their dining room. Today Alex and I went for a walk on a beach nearby and had a little chat with a group of kangaroos who were grazing near the beach. Wonderful.
Lots and lots of love to everyone and I hope you are all well and not too cold.
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