It is impossible to sum up this trip into only a few words, but I hope by reading this blog it has allowed you to share our experiences, the good and the bad, and appreciate the beauty of South America. I will always hold these very precious memories close to my heart and cherish them as we both return to the rat race of our modern lives. I will be forever grateful that George invited me on this trip and was the rock by my side every step of the way; supporting me with the language barriers, nursing me through my various illnesses and being my pillow on all of the unbearably long journeys. We were told on day one of our travels that this trip would either "make or break us". After growing from strength to strength over this trip, I now truly believe that I have found my soul mate for life. I cannot wait for our next adventure and the next edition of the blog!
A once in a lifetime trip, it certainly was. Words fail me when attempting to summarise my time in South America. Life-changing, character-building, testing and rewarding are but a few of the things that spring to mind. Memories of the colours, smells, feelings and people we met along the way may fade over the passage of time but the bond that formed between Tamara and I will never be lost. To my travelling companion, thank you. Thank you for putting up with me in the difficult moments. Thank you for watching my back every step of the way as I have yours. Thank you for choosing me to be the one you took this adventure with. I will always be with you, every step of the way. I love you.
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