So, I woke up at 5am. I packed my bag, I left behind my new friends Zoe from Scotland and Dan from Brazil (potentially the love of my life) and hit the dead streets of Tokyo at 6am. As I confidentally walked out the door, hiking backpack on my back, backpack on my front and bag of goodies to declare at customs attached. No sooner had I walked 200m did it start to rain torentially. Having been happy for the first time that my hair was in place and my shoes and feet were dry, I resigned to my fate, covered my pack with its rainjacket and walked the next 3km to the station.
Since it was so early, I didn't hurt anyone with my pack as there was a little bit more room than usual on the Yamanote line! Although, when I dropped one of my bags a lot of people looked at it but didn't both to help me - thanks Tokyo! I managed to worm my way onto the Haramouchi line to the airport, at thi stage: my feet were sopping wet with water swishing through my shoes, my back and shoulders were under heavy protest but I was almost there!
I found out I couldn't strap my sleeping bag to my pack so I ended up with 3 carry ons which was fine except I now have a bright purple and red bruise from holding the plastic bag on my elbow joint too long. After a short wait, I caved and bought a coffee. I ordered an iced coffee and literally got a cup of black coffee with ice cubes in it - I regretted everythng. I got on the flight on my window seat and settled in for a quiet flight. We missed the typhoon and the ash cloud over Indonesia. I spent the 5 hours in the airport working on my assessment for the Tsukuba course. I definitely smelled by this stage. Damn rain.
My seond flight was stressful, they had hearded people for 4 different flights to Sydney into one small gate and it was tense getting on the plane at the right time. Once on the plane after this delay, there was a further delay because a windscreen wiper was broken and needed 2 engineers to fix it. I was also behind a couple who insisted on having their seats all the way back all the time, it shouldnt be allowed during lights on hours, honestly. By this stage, my back, shoulders, arms and legs were all in varying levels of pain from hauling so much around and sitting for so many hours.
I finally arrived, it was raining in Sydney as well but I got to see Sydney harbour at sunrise. I got about `15 minutes sleep in total. Once I got off the plane, my luggage was the last to arrive, I thought I lost my airport and very nearly yelled at a very rude customs officer before being helped by a nice one. I finally got out and the wind hit me like a tonne of bricks - last time I had been outside it had been 30 degrees. Now it was 7. Then it turns out it had snowed back home. After a quick brekkie stop, Kris and Nat drove me home where I am now. I started the morning with a hot bath for my body to relax, then repacked all my stuff after sorting it for Canberra tomorrow and doing a load of washing. I have gone about 34 hours without sleep so tonight will be an early one considering my ability to think straight is warping a bit! Alas, it is now movies, a snuggie, bed socks and booties, pajama pants and blankets until dinner and then sleep.
While in retrospect, it all seemed to go quickly, I very much do not like the travel part of travel. It was also a great relief to see such happy faces at the end of my journey, I'm grateful I had them there. I'm on top of most of my chores for the next little while and with food in my belly and slowing thawing from the snow, I think I'll soon be ready to reflect back on the month that was.
To those who followed this blog, and read about my adventures and mishaps....thank you. Those who laughed with (at) me and learned about what I learned and supported me - thank you. I don't think I'll be waiting 3 years to travel again this time, so keep an eye out for my next solo search for wilderness.
xo Rach
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