We got the border in the early morning, where we then parked up and weighted until the morning. When we woke it was chucking it down, and there were many busses full of people all waiting to cross into Vietnam. The border eventually opened at 8, and due to it being Labour day we had to pay another $1 in fees to get out stamp. Bureaucracy at its finest. The weighting room was packed with people and was very unorganised. The place was rammed with moths too, gigantic ones the size of your fist. We all got our exit stamps and then mooched on through to the Vietnam immigration which was a fair walk away. However we still hadn't seen our bus, and didn't want to cross into Vietnam until we knew were it was. so we all stood at the border, chatting to the guards, playing logo quiz etc. waiting for our bus. It eventually came and we pilled on through. Had to pay another fee on the other side of a $1 for no particular reason. We all pilled back on the bus and it was all stations go, good morrrrrnnniing Vietnam!
The day got later and we arrived at outer Hanoi, where we got dropped off. Shock. Some dude appeared who spoke good English who puts on minivans for $2 into town, and also had a cheap dorm rooms in his hotel. We all pilled in and the majority of us went to this hotel too. Actually worked out pretty good as it saved me looking for somewhere, and the dorm was immaculate too. The dorm was right at the top though, on the fifth floor, and it took an age to get to the top. I'm a fit lad but man was I knackered at the top! Was contemplating popping some altitude tablets it was that high!!
Had an explore around Hanoi, particularly the old quarter. Was really nice with a nice colonial feel. Got a mega barbeque pork sarnie. Boshhhh! Hanoi had a really nice feel and was all hustle and bustle. Made me think how lucky and privileged I am to travel.
Looked around and explored some of the sights of Hanoi. There's this little island in the middle of the lake which looked pretty decent, I skipped it however as you had to pay to get it lol. Had a venture to St Josephs Church, a nice cathedral. There was some random dude outside with a yellow snake. He didn't even seem like a tourist dude and wouldn't let me hold it. Got the weirdest skran ever as well. Could only be described as doughy balls in eggy goop. It caught my eye as it looked sweet, but it wasn't. Was still ok though. Went to find some temple after but it was nothing :S I don't even know why it was in the guide book.
On the night me and this Russian dude called Bogdan went to the Beer corner. Vietnam is famous for having the cheapest beer in the world, and is called bia hoi. It cost 5k for a big class, which is around 15p haha. I only sunk one but ewld bogdan here sunk two before I had even finished mine. The street was buzzing though, and every seat was full in the street. It was true Asian style with the little seats lol.
Bogdan also revealed he had been travelling so long (12 months) as he busks. He said he doesn't have money, but then sneakily tapped his bag. Inside there was an accordion haha!! Back in the hostel he whipped it out and gave me a few tunes. The guy was so canny, but if there was ever a stereotypical Russian this was it. Real stern Russian dude, called Bogdan, played the accordion, from Siberia lol. He also told me he gets a free two week visa, probably due to the communist connects between the two countries.
Got up nice and early and took a long walk to Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. Turns out Ho Chi Minh is actually a dude, and he lead Vietnam to independence from the French. They then named Saigon after him. Anyways this temple is in honour to him, and his body lies inside. It kind of looked like Penshaw monument a bit with pillars etc around. I eventually found it (thank god for GPS!) and found the queue was gigantic!!! This was the mother of all queues. Forget anything you've ever seen at any theme park this was massive! It keep curling around more and more streets, and every time it turned I couldn't believe it. It eventually wound up into a car park, where I joined the back. All though long it moved pretty fast. I eventually made it into main area and had to ditch my water. We then got closer to the tomb thingy, and there was a s*** load of guards. All dressed in white military uniform. They took it all seriously and had guns and s***, and I was told to take my hands out my pockets. I wanted to get a pick of one but wasn't allowed.
We mooched inside and into the main room where there lay this geezers dead body. I didn't even know who the fella was until a few days ago and didn't even know what was inside or who this fella was or what he done. So trust is I got a right shock when I seen some deed geezer lying there in a box. He looked so peaceful though just resting away, and it was pretty cool.
Out I went when the path lead up to some nice house and some gardens, which of course had to be paid for. Sack that. I found an exit and took some snaps of the mausoleum before heading all the way back to the entrance the long way round to pick up my water.
En route back I bought my train ticket to Sapa.
On the night I explored the night market. A really long street full of stuff you would never buy and food. Haha looking round there was Bogdan busking away. His emotionless blank face as bleak as ever, with a little trewbie hat in front of him. Everyone was loving it though, there was a big circle around him and every one was taking photos and videos. I wandered over and we had a little chat. He said it was amazing here, but he would tell me later what happened. Back at the digs he showed me his money in his bag. A gigantic pile of money!!! After counting it came 1.3m Dong. Although the currency is shot to bits 1 millione of anything is a lot of money. And his earnings for one hours worth of work came to $62. That's amazing money even back home. Was seriously considering buying a drum and finding a spot. He asked me if I could play any instrument, I told him drums but it wouldn't go with an accordion lol, and I wouldn't feel right splitting his money.
Checked out and had a long wait until my 10pm train. Got my daily couple of loafs of fresh baguettes for only 15p a pop and went to find a free cashy but couldn't find it. Read some of my book, walked to train station. There was a bit of a commotion finding my train as just for laughs it didn't say which platform it was from. Eventually found it and snuggled up on my park bench. Kipped on the floor for couple of hours.
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