Said bye in the morn and walked to the bus station. Was late for bus but was ok as it was full. Got the next one. Sat next to loads of yanks, the one in front was so inconsiderate and his chair all the way back, RIGHT back. And made no apologies for it. I didn't bother saying anything though. The bus was also sweltering as well. Was horrible. I tried to get some shut eye and when I opened my eyes again my air con vent was no longer pointing at me, but now at him. f***ing yank c*** !! Cheeky b******.
We eventually pulled over and all piled out for a stop off, but soon learnt we weren't going no where… one of the geezers was kicking up a right fuss, saying the bus wasn't up to standard and was too hot. Then started citing how the breaks where overheating and the radiator was knackered. How he knew this I don't know but I'd rather just get through it and arrive in good time. He rang head office and there were to send a new bus. So we all waited 4 hours by the side of a road at a little café, (which was actually really pleasant and nice, I read my book) until it arrived. Some people jumped ship and jumped on another one going past but again had to pay. Most of us waited it out. Including the New york couple who was also on my bus. Really nice and funny people, Eleaner and Erin. Met cockney couple too, real essex type. Funny people
It eventually arrived and we jumped on, arriving at midnight in Vang Vieng. Hunted down a cheap digs and hit the hay. We got a free meal en route too as it was a vip bus :D
Went tubing the next day. The tube shop was just down the road from our place and there was a big queue for them. Seen some people from bowling! Afterwards we took the free tuk tuk to the place and got off at the first 'bar'. Basically a few tables in a garden and a little table serving drinks at the back. After so many deaths it has really been scaled back in recent years and is now really tame, with only four bars. Apparently there used to be nearer to ten. There was beer pong happening and you got a free shot on entry. The cockney couple was there, and everyone was having a good time. I didn't get a drink so instead we all hit the tubes and jumped in in the river. Was surprised how shallow it was never getting above your knee cap, and some times your bum even scaped along the bottom it was that shallow lol. Needless to say it was pretty slow going down the river and we had to paddle to go faster.
The next bar was the best and was a real bar. There were geezers that slung ropes out to us with a bottle of water on the end as a weight and we were pulled in. Not that you if they didn't you would go adrift down stream, it was so slow if you didn't paddle you were static lol. I got a few beers down me, and everyone was having a right laugh. A group of us played beer frizzby, a game I'd never played before. Basically there are two teams which face each other and each have a stick with a can on the top. You take it in turns to thrown the frizzby at your opponents stick, a direct hit is 3 points, and if you hit the stick and it falls off its 1. But the can must hit the ground to score. Its also your job to catch the frizzby too, and if you don't your team drinks. Also if too people catch the frizzby together they kiss. First to 10. Awesome fun!!! We won and were lead by this American dude, and we called ourselves Team Awesome in true American fashion! There was plenty of high fives going around and we took it all seriously. When you got a direct hit it was pure elation!!! Three points for team boooom! There we met more people from bowling/waterfalls. The place also had a shower to cool off, which I used.
Bar three was also really cool. We all went down as a convoy and we all made friends, chatting to who ever. This bar had a mix of good tunes and cheesy ones for everyone to join in, as well as a little stage, and a volleyball court. Me Erin and Eleana joined in.
Bar four was last on the list. Not so much as a vibe but was cool. There was a basketball court and I had a few two on twos. Had a great time. When I started to get dark we all took a tuk tuk with our tubes back to the shop and got our deposit back. By this time the drink had hit me hard and I cant remember much of it. All I remember after that is going in my room, desparetly filtering water and waiting drunk as the water trickled through the filter and being sick into the toilet, missing occasionally and being sick over me and the floor. First time I was drunk in 7 months haha.
Recovered. Ill all day. Must have got back earlier than I thought, I awoke at 4:30 in the morn. Also found a huger spider/trantular in my room. Went to go find something to arm myself with from my pack, and found a coach roach in my backpack, whilst doing so a mosquito started flying around my mush. Was half expecting Ant and Dec to jump out from under my bed and declare I'd just won three gold stars for camp! Seen another big cockroach later when I woke up again.
Scoped out rock climbing and did research. My room wasn't a nice place to chill, was so hot and was in a windowless room. The only windows there was faced out into the corridor, which was a massive tunnel of rooms, which was so narrow. Booked rockclimbing.
Rockclimbing was OUT OF THIS WORLD! Would go as far as saying it was one of the highlights of the trip. Cant wait to sign up to the Sunderland Wall when I get back. I met another English guy, Callum who was also doing a full day, which was nice, and an Irish couple who were just doing the half day. We got a tuk tuk and met another company who were all going to the same spot. Me and Callum got separated from the group and we learn how to belay and tie knots. Afterwards we started climbing. Was so much fun. On karst rock. Callum went first and was a bit weary but was ok. I belayed for him and he did the same for me. We both hard a harness and shoes provided and ropes etc. we also had a chalk bag each. Safe to say I was up this thing like a shot! Its almost like solving puzzle, meets nostalgia tree climbing meets physical activity plus heights. Everything is better when higher!!
Afterwards we moved onto harder climbs. It was so amazing. Eventually the others left and we grabbed lunch. Afterwards we tried a real tricky one and callum took two attempts to get to the top. The first time he fell I was belaying, but I stood strong and sat down to really anchor myself and lock the rope in place. He was safe as houses.
The final one was the hardest, and the guy made it harder for us at the top as it detoured onto a harder route. It was so high, about 20m, but I managed to get to the top. However when it shot off to the harder bit I just honestly wasn't good enough to do it. I just know where to go. Callum couldn't get to the top of where I was though. I was a real natural at it. The climb was a 6A. I wish micky was there! To compare how we could do. Afterwards we swam in the lake to cool off. There was zilch current and was so nice.
Bought bus ticket. Ate chocolate banana pancakes and baguettes.
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