We have arrived early at the Barnes residents in Woombah, the reason for this is we felt we should spend more time with family and Libby wanted me to experience more of NSW so we cut are park visits short by Two days. As you will notice my last blog was the 28th December so it is missing are travels down to the Gold coast but what an experience but still not enough time, its missing because not enough time no internet connection I was going to try and catch up but that would mean spending to much time on the computor, the tablet has also played up by not taking a charge properly, I will in time insert pics and blog of our fantastic journey.
We dropped the van of Two days early and Brian picked us up from the Gold coast and drove us the 2 hour journey to the most fantastic place his home, 3.5 acres of land with a lovely bungalow with netted room at back and raised decking, look at the pictures all was taken in the garden the wild life is fantastic less than 5 feet from me as I write this is 2 Kookaburrows watching me. Hermione loves this the birds come down as she sits on the swinging seat and sing to her they take food from her hand, the possems are cheeky sweet little things a little timid but they come onto the decking. The weather is hot but not sticky and most of the garden is left to nature with the rain forest takin up over 2 acres I will upload some more photos of it. We are now here from the 7th January flying out on Tuesday 12th January to Alice Springs and we still have the Dolphin swim on the 11th.
The One thing I don't understand is that the Australians seem to holiday from Cairns down to Gold coast but this time of the year you can not go into the sea without risking injury from stingers, sharks or Crocs yet here there is the most beautiful beaches nice waves and the beaches are almost empty the temperature is fantastic the sea is warm I love it here, we have all swam here and this place really suits us it is just wonderful.
I am writing this Sunday 10th January 8.30 in the morning after our early morning walk, That is libby and myself are daughter is still asleep we are really tiring her out but she is having the time of her life.
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