After lake Titkaka, I became quite unwell with altitude sickness. The last night in Puno was horrendous, I couldn't sleep and when I tried I woke up feeling like I was being strangled. (I checked , Ray was sleeping!) The only real cure for altitude sickness is to head to lower ground so the next morning we left on a day bus and headed for La Paz, Bolivia. Not a massive difference in altitude but enough to help me out. The bus journey was horrendous. I was sick on the bus, Peruvian toilets dont lend themselves to being Mrs pukey pants... Bleurgh!!!!..I started to hallucinate and felt as though i was going to pass out at any minute. At the Bolivian border we had to queue in the heat which didnt help but the worse bit was that everyone knew I was ill...I kept hearing .."aw bless her" in all sorts of languages ( but that may just have been the weird affect altitude was having on me!) and I paid 1 Boliviano for the pleasure of using the most filthy and appalling toilet known to man!!...We eventually got into to Copacabana . A nice lady was talking to me telling me to drink cocoa leaf tea, I knew she was talking to me and I could see her but it felt like I was a million miles away, her voice was distant and blurry. The only thing I can liken it to is being on pethidine during labour!! At this point I knew things were bad and muttered something to Ray about medication and needing to lay on the floor (me, not him) and as if by magic he appeared with some local Sarojche pills but I dont really remember him going to get them. I poppped two, got on the bus and fell asleep. I felt a bit better when we arrived at the port to cross Lake Titikaka . We got on the smallest boat with about 15 other people and started across the lake while our bus went on a bigger raft opposite us. The lake was horrendously choppy , so coupled with altitude sickness I then had to contend with sea sickness...oh the joys of travelling ,all of you lovelies who have been jealous of my trip, think on I would rather have been anywhere else at that moment!. The coach pulled into La Paz and we shared a cab with an american mother and son who were staying at the same hotel. Needless to say I went straight to bed. My altitude sickness passed and was replaced by a dysentary like stomach bug that I probably caught from the squeaky clean toilets at the Bolivian border and which cost me 1 Boliviano!! Anyway, in my bed I stayed for four days with nurse Grinaway at hand and after a course of antibiotics, rehydration fluids, stomach pain medication and sarocjhe pills from the local doc and a Skype session from my gorgeous daughter that seriously cheered me up, I started to turn a see ..this travelling lark isnt all beautiful scenery, amazing people, places and fun.....oh hang on ...yes it is!!!...........mostly!! :)
- comments
Lynda Oh Laura Bless You! The sickness sounds awful, being ill is always bad but when your travelling it's so much worse, glad you got through it!