Hi you two, the blog is great and the photos are amazing. Leah what with the she wee & the mule lots of fun to have in October. looking forward to seeing all the photos when you both get back (pop corn and beer ready for the slide show. take care & be safe mam & dad
Hey you two, the blogs thus far are amazing. Sounds like the journey has met and exceeded all expectations, as I am sure it will continue to do. Keep looking after each other. (Best choco bean grinder...brilliant!) The adventure continues... Loads of love, Craig x
Hiya, really enjoyed your last update and photos. Hope the foot is all better by now. I love those little tree frog guys. They are amazing.
Keep having fun and can't wait for the next instalment x
Hi from sunny (at the moment) downtown Dún Laoghaire on Dublin's Riviera (they say).
Hope you are both having a fantastic time - excellent trip - ENJOY!!
Cheers for now.
Hello you two!
Its amazing this things I can find to do while procrastinating! Glad you arrived safe & assuming you'll be finished with the jungle by the time you read this! (sounds like I'm a celeb)
We all had a fab time at the wedding but you were missed :( I assume you didn't get to do the faces because May was looking at me like I had 5 heads when I called in! Photos on FB and I'll leave Mia to tell you the rest.
Adios for now, looking forward to your next update!
Hi both,
First things first "you are not as good looking as your Dad, Rob" - apparently!!
Dave has been banging on about this little holiday you are having for such a long time and just sent us this link. We're looking forward to sharing your journey with you, albeit from the rainy UK....
Take care and stay safe
Coatesy & Jo at Galliford's :o)
Hope the flight had plenty of films for you's and the coffee was flowing freely.Have a fantastic time and don't forget me stick of rock!!!!!
Love the blog you guys! Can't wait to read the first travel entry. Hope you have an amazing, fabulous time!! xxx
You two deserve this so much. Wish that I could have been packed into one of your bags and gone along with you. But following your adventure in blog form will be just as good. Waiting with excitement to hear how you get on...
Yay I cant wait to hear from you guys, excitement! (and you're not even gone yet!)