The Alexander's Aussie Adventure...
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Cape Tribulation, Queensland

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Traralgon, Victoria

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Upper Warrego, Queensland

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Sydney, New South Wales

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Subiaco, Western Australia
Lisa I've enjoyed the journey too Chris! Dead envious....what an amazing story that will continue being told through the Alexander generations! Lisa x
re: .......HomeCraig, Natasha, Vincent and Clive Powers Great stuff guys! It's been a pleasure to follow your travels and read about your adventures. No doubt the experiences will live with you all forever!
re: .......HomeJSP Having read that, I'm now sad that there will be no more - I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey too. What a fantastic trip you have all had and how good will it be to look back on it in years to come.. Well done on actually putting it together and executing such an exciting adventure.
re: Nullabor Part Deux to Esperance then home……Nai So awesome Alexanders. Thanks for sharing your family adventure with us all. I absolutely loved reading your blog but what I love more is having you guys home. X
re: .......HomeMike Linfoot Well done guys!!!! Gotta take my hat off to you for taking the time out to explore the best country in the in tow, giving them a taste of their new mother land and having the patience of mother Teresa to teach, listen, answer their million questions and discover so much about beautiful Australia. Last of all, letting me hang out for the last leg of your trip in an awesome location that has given me a taste of what's out there in our back's pretty bloody special. Love you guys Xxoo mike
re: Nullabor Part Deux to Esperance then home……Jen Green You need to visit me (Jen Green) we will go penguin island 5 minutes away all here in Rockingham WA !!
re: Philip Island and Gold Mining at BallaratEmily Monkey world rules! I'm with you. It's why I've never been to Disney World. I worry it would be a disappointment in comparison. Have a great final journey back to Perth. We miss you guys here in London x
re: The Great Ocean Road and into South AustraliaAlvaro Chris, Fiona, Harry & Bayle Have a very nice Christmas and prosperous new year! 2016 will even better than 2015 for everyone! I'm sure it will! :-) Best wishes! Kind regards, Álvaro
re: Alison Lester and the AlexandersAlvaro Chris, you look way much better with beard! Keep it on! ;) Best regards, Alvaro
re: Alison Lester and the AlexandersP-pants Like CA on the great caving expedition of 2015, I almost had to change my undergarments just now too - laughed ridiculously hard reading this post! Monkey World??!!!! (insert crying laughing emoji!)!!!
re: The Great Ocean Road and into South AustraliaPia There's something else on your face CA! Looking very Alby Mangles.... Add a man bun and you could jag a career in the AFL :-)
re: CavingFiona Her books are terrific! I bet the kids loved meeting her - and the teacher too ;-)
re: Alison Lester and the Alexanders- last visited

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Alexanders has not added a travel plan yet
Nai So awesome Alexanders. Thanks for sharing your family adventure with us all. I absolutely loved reading your blog but what I love more is having you guys home. X
Craig, Natasha, Vincent and Clive Powers Great stuff guys! It's been a pleasure to follow your travels and read about your adventures. No doubt the experiences will live with you all forever!
Lisa I've enjoyed the journey too Chris! Dead envious....what an amazing story that will continue being told through the Alexander generations! Lisa x