Hi Teva,
I miss you so much. Only kidding I don't even notice you are gone. Probably don't need to send me the sim card as I have 6 weeks and if its going via Kris it will take geological time to get to me. Saying that I am sure I was supposed to send him a scarf back and keep forgetting....
see you in June.
hey, T.diddy,
glad to hear you're having a fabulous time! First day of school today for me! am slightly nervous. Just a little mind you coz i am very tough lady. Went up to Auckland in weekend (one of the many auditions payed off) and I worked on a Smifnof ad. Rather fun! So you coming back our way I hear?Yay, we miss you lots (especially a certain someone, shhhhh). Only one month left, Teva . i will miss him so.
anyway love you lots and be safe,
p.s Kris cries himself to sleep mumbling your name (hehehehe)
Whoa Kristian
You must really be missing your mate to write things like that. Feeling abandoned, are we?
Teva--your description of Koh Mak (Feb 22 blog) sounds like something that I might really enjoy. Maybe I did enjoy it once but I don't remember.
Good to hear from you and knowing that you are well and relaxing well.
Lots of love to you always
Yo tinsel toes! um, forgot why, oh yeah wher do you want me to send the box? i neeed to do it soon i already spent the money you gave me and your bond money from the flat it was awsome, well worth the instant gratifaction it gave me so thankyou! send me the adressee for your stuff and your bank transfer details ( dont forget to include your pin number ).
You might like to know when i mention your name now in the sho it just draws blank expresions from fellow comrades and costomers alike, i have clinicly removed every trace of you from my life and theirs which can only be a postive, i think you will agree, no? your presence in New Zealand was a hidious mistake for which Wellington is all the worse man, i have made my views clear on this to NZ imagration so has to hamper any future attempt you may make to enter the country, you have been red flagged my friend! I can only hope the langauge barrier in Asia is enough to limit your destructive powers though i fear you will find a way, a mind as rotten as yours always does. I Pray god your travel plans go without hitch that sysiphus grants you safe passage and your reuinited with the Italians and encarcerated behind their cheese counter cage once more at least during respectable hours so the fine people of Edinburgh may go about there buisness without harrasment.
o.k young man, a breif reply will do, i fear your words are as currupt as your actions! and today i feel clean so i will send a prayer for calm in your stormy heart.
Yours quite as much as his own Kristian
Stupid post thing why wont you work?
Hi T how is asia going? Do you know when the reunion starts? In fact you probably have your face in a bucket of rum and have less idea than me. Anyone out there know? I couldn't spot it on the findhorn website. Hot and sunny here but a bit flat leaving me with too much time on my hands so I am trying to organise my future. last week I stacked haybale for some crust, farmers are hard men....
hiiiiiiiiiii. thank u so much for my prezzie! I love little Finch.
Hi Viv, you are most talented. thank u for sending my present. And yes he made it without a scratch
xxxx love, Irene
hey teva,
i needed to google to get to your site - as a more direct route did not work and you have a 5 star rating !
well, i was impresssed . . . this is a fine way to say hello to the many from me in the heat of delightful Auroville; heard Ervin Laszlo last night on the needs of planet earth and humanity -- ie --BIG'
lots of films, concerts, talks and endless bycyles rides on red dirt roads -- all v good for me;
i look forward to meeting up with Teva in April-- isn't that brill !!
love to all the readers xx and blessing s too , mari
hey, u! we just taking time out of our busy day to send u kisses on Valentines Dayxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx irene
I already sent you a text this morning which you'll get, but I'll be watching the post for my present! Damn straight. Lots of love, Saskia xo
Uncle Jeff, Aunt Helene, Jordan, Joshua & Rachel
It's hard to believe that you have been gone so long. Back in Thailand and another adventure begins. Keep the photos and information coming. We love to follow your travels. No more dog soup or speedos PLEASE !!!! We love you........ Be safe and Enjoy