hey bro... sorry to miss you in scotland... really gladly in spain now - working on that sweet tan again. luckily the skin knows what to do after all those hours on beach in thailand!! it´s great to be with the boys again - pretty much like we were never apart - we may as well be in highbury with the amount of eating and drinking we´re doing (what a surprise)... huge love to you... and to wellington xoxo
hey teva,
Rahul here.. remember we met at Corbett National Park. I've uploadedsome pics - thought I'dshare them with you. Check them out at http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/rahulris
Johny Cliff
hi teva johny cliff here [used to be chef at cannons gait he he ] great to see your havein a ball trav the world couldnt happen to a nicer person hope all is well with u ,im now an ozy citizan livein in adelaide sa wife and kids love it big time so if your ever out this way feel free to drop in we will put you up also feel free to email us cheers for now johny c
Thinking of you Tevay.
Teva us down from the mountain!! Well done! Congratualtions on a successful trek!! You are the man!
Love Papa
Auntie Suzi
Hello Nephew....thank you for writing us from way on top...unbelievable that you were able to do that.
Like you said...is anything sacred anymore???? Its amazing what you are doing and we all are looking
forward to hearing about everything when you come back down to earth.......
HOpe you are well and happy....Sending you loads of love...takek care of yourself....PLEASE...
and remember that i love you so very much.. your...Aunt Suzi
Message From Teva
This is Loren again--Having just written the messgae below--I got this from Teva this morning--thought that I would pass it along.
Hello all just a wee note (have to keep it short cos its very expensive here) to say I'm alive and well at 4500m. Thats very high, in case you wondered. There is internet here. It makes you wonder if nothing is sacred anymore. I'm heading over the worlds highest pass tomorrow, should be super sweet, then another 10 days or so back done to a civilised level. Hoping your all well and happy Lots of love (except to Kris, for not waiting till I'm back in Scotland to come over) Teva
Teva's Dad
Just to let you all know that Teve is trekking right now in Nepal and out of computer contact (at least that is what he told me). I think he will be there pretty much through May and then I am meeting him in London June 1st--we will then head up to Scotland.
He may still be able to read emails though--so keep your messages coming--he just might not answer them (what else is new?)
For those of you that I will see in Scotland--I look forward to it and to those that I do not know--maybe someday we will meet!
Loren (Teva's Dad)
Yo Teva...just wondering if your still heading over to Nepal sometime soon! Been working flat out in the last 6 weeks but have some time off so if your around...would be sweet to meet up. Hope all's going well dude and you're having fun wherever you are...easy fella and hopefully hear from you soon! Rupus
hey... just a quick note (written for the second time because i didn't write an answer to the sum)... haven't been on computer at all recently because i'm on it all day for my job! so haven't read any of your news i'm afraid... or written any of my own. apparantly i'm still in chiang mai... can't wait to see you - my ph is 07879050473.
big love from ed where spring is making magic in the meadows... it's so beautiful just now
g xoxoxoxoxo
Yo Teva
I didn't forget your birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN! I went to text you then realised you were in the outer reaches of India/Nepal/Mongolia (?). We remembered you as we tucked into one of Krissy-boy's delectable dishes up at the Lowe's.
Looks like you're having a magical time, it seems slightly odd to see photos of you in exactly the same spots that we were standing in mere months ago.
Life is going along swimmingly here, I'm loving my new job - yay me Miss Events Manager! And I'm moving into a well sexy flat - with a spare room awaiting your return someday!
Keep on rocking sunshine!
Love, Liv xx
Hi there Mr T and a happy belated birthday to you. looking forward to seeing you and wee bro peep very soon. am hanging out with Meera today she says hi.... uhhh.... and not much else, now I have to tell you that she says ive been on the computer for ages, so i better go. be seeing you soon.love Zoe