Teva's Travels
So, the Journey begins!
I have just spent the last two weeks on the beautiful Erraid which, for those of you who don't know, it is a one mile sqaure Island off the end of mull, just South of Iona.
After a month of easing out of the City, packing my bags and saying my teary goodbyes, this felt like the perfect place to come a prepare myself for what lies ahead.
Unfortunatly it wasn't.
Don't get me wrong, the place is wonderful, the people are lovely a views to die for, but after planning this trip for so long I really needed something more lively then a cold Island in Scotland.
No, I think I'm being to harsh. I loved getting stuck into the work there-gardening, cooking and tree planting. Also my dear friend Zoe came out for the second week and it was lovely to catch up with her. But I could have benifited form a place where the nights entertainment is a little more exciting then finding your way to the compost toilets in the dark. It is very basic living, but that can also be a real pleasure when in the right frame of mind. And there where a few luxeries-a Sauna and a Hot Tub built out of old Pallets, and lots of treats brought over by Zoe.
We also had our fair share of Drama-on my first night we had an electrical fire in one of the houses and a cow got stuck in a bog on the back of the isalnd. It may not sound like much, but when you are miles from anywhere with no access for emergency services, you relise just how remote you are.
Anyway, I'm glade to have left the island, but I also look forward to going back after my travels, I think it will be a good place to unwind. So off to Findhorn for a couple of days and then the states to see my dad for a week.
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