Hullo :) well the night bus was interestingg that's for sure but whilst I managed to get two seats to myself and could curl up quite nicely, poor Tess didn't and unfortunately wasn't quite as comfortable. Ever smug, I slept practically the whole journey but when we arrived in Hoi An at 7am the following morning we were still very glad to tumble into a soft bed for a few hours!
Once we were alive and kicking we set off for breakfast in the town and despite the initial disappointment because there was no electricity, we cheered up considerably when informed that we could still have a full American breakfast..we were hungry..ok! After that I left the others to explore the town whilst I went to meet a guy who told me he knew where I might get my phone fixed..sounded a liiiiittle dodgy but I was desperate at that point! Was pretty terrified when told to 'hop on' this huge motorbike outside and even more anxious when I discovered there would be three of us on it.. So I whizzed off with a Vietnamese guy on the front asking me over his shoulder about my phone and, in my opinion, not paying enough attention to the crazy traffic and a Cambodian guy on the back, mostly there so I wouldn't fall off! The shop told me that they might be able to fix it so fingers crossed should know by tonight!!
Afterwards I was whizzed back to the others and we made our way to the most amaaaazing tailor shop ever..I mean EVER!! We were soon in a frenzy ploughing through catalogues, magazines and websites as they said they could make us ANYTHING. Tess and I were hooked. We both wanted dressed made and though they were more expensive than some other tailors here, they are the best in hoi an and the range and quality is amazing. And of course beside English prices its cheap as chips! Tess chose a gorgeous cobalt blue short dress with straps made out of chiffon which she was measured for and I decided to just draw exactly what I wanted so chose a forest green long evening gown in chiffon with green ribbon around the middle. We got to choose the fabric, lining, style of rouching (can't spell), length, top and basically everything...was addictive!! They told us it would take 20 hours to make so we set off to busy ourselves whilst our beautiful dresses (and suits for the guys) were magically made overnight!
A guy then told us he'd only charge us a dollar each for an hours boat ride so we hopped in with this crazy guy for a trip. He was hilarious and insisted that we drove the boat and took photos of every single part of the river..had to delete rather a few when we got back! Ella and Chris decided to jump into a bamboo boat with another random guy when we got into a village and after a lot of smiling, waving and splashing he of course charged them 5 dollars for it.. :) suckers!
We had dinner in a lovely little restaurant on the riverfront which supported children on the streets and topped off the evening with some home made ice-cream and a trip to the night market and famous Chinese and Japanese bridge.
Slept like a log that night!! Flo and Tess :)
- comments
Caroline Baldwin Hope your phone is working again. I do remember having clothes made up in India. Such fun. Keep having fun. The blog is great. C x
YKW So jealous of your dresses, you guys look BEAUT in the photos xxxx