Hello Everyone,
So Sarah and I have had an interesting couple of days (well not entirely that interesting). To begin, we are finally out of Buenos Aires as we arrived in Puerto Igauzu earlier today. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Buenos Aires, but ten days might have been a few too many and not to mention that our last couple of days were spent in or close to the apartment. Sarah ended up catching some sort of stomach bug that rendered less than 100%. No worries though, she is feeling much better and I contribute that fact to my great nursing skills. We aren't exactly sure were she may have gotten the bug, but we consulted with Lars and he believes that it most likely was from consuming fruits/vegetables washed with local water. I was lucky enough to dodge the bullet thanks to sampling some fine Argentinean beers.
While we were confined to the apartment the last fews days in the city, I must say that the couple of times we got out of the apartment were a lot of fun. We sampled two new restaurants in the area and visited the city's botanical gardens. The first restaurant we went to is called Don Julio's. It is a classic Argentinean parrilla, which translates to grill or steak house. Pretty much Argentines love any kind of grilled meat (especially steak and chorizo) and this restaurant definitely embodied this fact. Sarah had a light pasta (since her stomach was acting up) that was delicious and I of course had to try my first real steak from Argentina. The cut of meat definitely lived up to its reputation and actually surpassed it in many ways because of the ridiculously low price. I believe it only cost a little bit over 35 pesos or $10 for a 16oz rib-eye. So all in all a great meal. The next night we went to a local sushi restaurant. Sarah really wasn't feeling well this night and ended up only having some miso soup. Yet I was very up for sampling the restaurants spread and ordered a variety of sushi. It was very good, but not the best. What really surprised us was the atmosphere of the restaurant. Very cool entrance that you definitely would miss or mistake for a house. All guests actually have to ring a door bell to be let it in and taken to the upstairs dining area. It was called Roja Rose or Pink Rose and was therefore decked out in flowers. So as not to ramble, the restaurant was really great and it was unfortunate that Sarah had to be sick for the experience. Finally, the botanical gardens were beautiful and very well kept. I am sure it will be even better in a couple of more weeks once everything is in full bloom. It was just great to get outside and finally get to enjoy a sunny day outside.
Our trip to Iguazu began yesterday morning after checking out of the apartment in the morning and making our way down to the bus station. After getting our insurance deposit back we decided to celebrate by going out to lunch and killing some time before getting on our bus, which left at 7pm (we still sat in the station for 4 hours). The bus ride ended up being a great experience. The bus was very clean and comfortable. We booked camas ejectivos or executive beds. These were chairs that went all the way back and really allowed for a good nights sleep, which was important since we were on the bus for 18 hours. In addition, they served us dinner, after dinner drinks, and breakfast in the morning. Needless to say, we got plenty of rest and are happy with our chosen form of transportation.
Since arriving in Igauzu we have only managed to check out our room and the small town of Puerto Iguazu. The hostel is a little suspect, but you get what you pay for. The town is really interesting and it may be due to the fact that it is the antithesis of Buenos Aires. It literally is like a small town in the middle of the jungle with dirt roads and a few business on the main strip. The humidity is fairly extreme and that definitely takes its toll on all of the structures in the town. The reason for us being so confined thus far is that it has yet to stop raining. Sarah and I have found that our room is anything, but waterproof. Really though we are not complaining at all. We are very excited to begin the next part of our journey and tomorrow is a great way to kick it all off by going to the national park and falls. We will be sure to blog as soon as we have more to tell. We apologize for not writing more, but we didnt have a lot to work worth.
We both miss you all and look forward to reading your responses.
Chris & Sarah
PS: Check out the pick of our all in one bathroom...very strange, I have never seen anything like it before in my life. (Sarah just said she has)
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